Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Black Crowned Night Heron - Lincoln Park Zoo

The black crowned night heron - now that's
A mouthful for humans to say.
We like to live in wetland flats.
Lincoln Park Zoo - great place to stay.

Bejookee - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am Bejookee, puma queen
Of the realm of Lincoln Park Zoo.
From my ledge, I take in the scene.
If you're nearby, I'm watching you.

Food For Greed

A food bubble ready to burst?
Cuz speculators on Wall Street
Drive high food prices to their worst,
To bank big buck bets as we eat.

Burma - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am Burma, a gibbon girl,
Swinging at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Caruso sets my heart awhirl.
He's my dear hubby, showoff true.

My Constitution

The Constitution be upheld,
As written centuries ago.
Some amendments did get indwelled,
But nothing recent - doncha know!


Erosion goes on underground,
Water eating away the stone.
It's nature's thing and all around.
But when and where - not often known.

Sunday Sin

Sunday, Father Ed called in sick,
And went out to play golf instead.
A course far from home he did pick
Where no one would know Father Ed.

Foreign Do View

Leaders of other nations called
Him a tyrant over his own.
Negotiations for peace stalled,
And war took toll on flesh and bone.

Recycle Flow

All life takes in water to live,
Flowing therein, doing its thing,
Then being exuded to give
To more life in a wondrous ring.


Heliocentrism dared to
State that the sun was center star,
And Earth just one of retinue
Revolving about, near and far.

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