Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What's Relative?

Einstein 'splained relativity
Of time, using two points of view
Of two guys - one standing near be
A moving train. The other who

More For Now

Both Demmies and Repubbies talk,
Blaming each other for their mess,
Spewing hot air, crock after crock,
Full of (you give it your best guess.)

Nice Suit

A guy shops to buy a new suit.
The salesman says, 'Try this one on.'
The guy agrees it is a beaut.
So the suit he proceeds to don.

3rs Rearranged

No more the American Dream
For children of U.S.A.
Education has turned to scheme
To buy kids' minds this or that way.

Man Of The Moth

Just passing by, I saw the light,
And sure enough, there full of sheet,
A mothing mother caught my sight.
So, what the heck! - give him a treat.


I went from forest to the mill,
Extracted, dried and flattened out,
Shaped and sized so some stuff could fill
Inside of me and shipped about.


Phyllis Diller - you have been booked
At the Pearly Gates with Bob Hope.
You will have all the angels hooked -
Heaven's kooky kaleidoscope,

Grover The Rover

Grover Cleveland, the President,
Oscar Folsom from Buffalo,
As law partners and friends, they spent
Shared pastimes in wild oats to sow.

B.S. Up And Down

A duck was chatting with a bull,
'You see that tree? I wanna go'
'To the top, but my bod is full'
'Of such fatigue, so I don't know.'


Julia Child made French cuisine
For all a common sense food fun.
Charm cheffing forth on page and screen,
Taste medium, rare and well done.

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