Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Feathered Gay

We are penguins with the lifestyle
Of being well dressed up gay males,
Occurs in nature once a while,
Odd match with matched white tie and tails.

Leaf Frog - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am called a leaf frog - guess why!
Yep - cuz I blend in like a leaf,
Waiting for a snack to come by,
To my delight, to the snack's grief.

Mirror Me - Lincoln Park Zoo

Hey there, mirror, mirror on the wall,
This cute gorilla girl does ask
Who is the fairest of them all?
I'll get closer to ease your task.

Avocado Plays The Field

An avocado like me does
Rely on bugs that fly about,
To take a shot at me, becuz
They pollinate so I can sprout

For Want Of A Great War

It started with a single kill
Of throne heir Archduke Ferdinand
Of Austria, causing ill will
With Serbia, cuz understand

The Old Timer Pallas'Cat - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am the Pallas' cat. Behold
Unique me at Lincoln Park Zoo.
My kind are 12 million years old.
We have survived the eons through,

Oinkabye - Lincoln Park Zoo

So much for a piglet to do,
Many human crowds to delight
At Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo.
But Mama keeps me in her sight.

Versed On Love

How do I love thee - let me think.
I'm bananas for you a bunch.
Your mango sweetness peeled I drink,
Till drunk upon your passion punch.

Going Viral

There is a new terrorist attack -
Ebolaizing the mindset,
With media on the fast track
To sell the public fear and fret.

Mixed Up

Home of the brave, land of the free
Is said to be the U.S.A.
We the People, all peoples be.
A nation of laws, people say.

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