Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Do Good Loop

Do a good deed and give some cash
To a charity thought worthwhile,
And just that single do good splash
Will bring a flood in request pile.

First Lesson

The lion once did rule as king.
When humans were just starting out,
Lions upon humans could bring
A lot of fear and hurt no doubt!

Bad Choice

If o'er the last two hundred years,
The world's resources spent on wars,
In which no body profiteers,
Instead were spent finding cures for

Gold Fold

Humans have given 'golden' to
Name some animals that are gold.
Just found, the golden bat is new.
Gold snakes have been known since times old.

Death Penalty Quick Fix

Modern capital punishment,
Injecting lethal drugs into
The baddies are now too frequent
All botched up and messy to do.


John Smithson was born illegit.
English nobility did sire.
But John got wealth and lots of it,
And bad mouthed the British empire.

Daxin The One - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am Daxin, the birthday boy.
Mom did birth me a year ago,
A creme colored bundle of joy.
I'm now mostly black - whaddya know!

Improv Beyond

Improv comedy can oft mask
Tremendous sadness found inside.
Two zanies did perfect the task.
Jonathan Winters was the guide

Moon Landing Celebration

1969 - in July,
The 20th to be exact,
I was looking up in the sky
To see if news I'd heard was fact.

Young Klipspringer - Lincoln Park Zoo

A baby klipspringer am I.
Means 'rock jumper' in Africaan.
Of antelope, we're the small fry.
We don't get bigger than a swan.

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