India Wallace

India Wallace Poems

The darkness embraces me
Squeezing tighter and tighter
I welcome it

It's funny how much
A few words can mean
And how much it hurts
When their not meant any longer

Ignite your tears
Ignite your fears

Ignite the world with me tonight

Longing sinks its teeth into your soul
Darkness smothers your mind
Pain flows though your body
These are all symptoms

The blade is dark
Damp and stained
With the remains of yesterdays purging

She stands in the bathroom
Cold water dripping from her decaying form
Limp arms hanging with a deadening weight by her side
Now there is nowhere to hide

Icy wind bites into the skin
Distant waves crash on the shore
Tearing away the lifeless sand

The room shifts in and out of focus
Her pupils dilated
Visions of horror
Of blood

Eyes gaze unseeingly
Through stands of blonde hair
Upon the sterile white walls
That sparkle with an unnatural sheen


Smile like you mean it

To see your smile again
The crinkles around your mouth

Tears fall freely
From bloodshot eyes
Sobs escape through dry lips
Remembering all your strategic lies

Have you ever felt
So alone?
So dismissed?
So unwanted?

There is a mask
That i wear
To cover the feelings
I cannot share

i stand here
And i pray for rain
To wash away my sins
To wash away my pain

Slowly he moved away
Towards the door
And with him he took my heart,
My soul,


In these scars
Are weaved the screams
The tears,
The lies,

Sharp tears cut my eyes
I cry black blood
I bleed mascara for you


Midnight black wings
Glossy feathers
Bloodied and Bruised
Seeping dark liquid

The Best Poem Of India Wallace

My Place

The darkness embraces me
Squeezing tighter and tighter
I welcome it

The feel of cold smooth dirt
Against my skin
Between my toes

The frosty air
A welcome relief
From the heated pressure of my mind

The moon hangs high
Full of light
Full of hope
A beacon in this unforgiving world

From up here i can see it all
Flickering lights like fire across the city
Voices carried on the breeze

I come here to think
I come here to breathe

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