Infenity Covett

Infenity Covett Poems

They'd meet at dusk above the city,
above the filth, above the wrath,
two gallant souls among the greedy,
so close as if they had one heart.

You are not kind.

While others offer me flowers,
you bring me a loaf of bread.

Your tongue is like an angry hammer.
You go and smash with it
the blossoms of the poem.
So ruthless,

You say it is degrading.
Repulsive, you pray, utterly inappropriate.
What a disgrace, indeed it is,
to laugh and drink,

The sky was dark and with a haze
I walked along the coastline; green
with all the seaweed thrown out
as if the sea got sick

'You know your lie left me a bruise,
and now you are obliged to choose,
it's me or him who leaves misused! '

The Best Poem Of Infenity Covett


They'd meet at dusk above the city,
above the filth, above the wrath,
two gallant souls among the greedy,
so close as if they had one heart.
No tree would bend to bar their way,
no bird would interfere their chat,
and wind would never whirl the hay,
that hid beneath her velvet hat.
And so they walked and talked for ages,
but never crossed the lustful line,
as if they knew that passion phases,
would break all deep emotion's spine.
But years passed and winds got colder,
and bones and brains became worn out,
and both of them were getting older,
though in possession of a never aging heart.
And that's the way Death took the one -
he never touched her hair of hay,
and she - for aye the unbelieving one,
with teary eyes sat down to pray.
The only way she'd ever touch him,
except when she's in Land of Nod,
her pressing prayer, so gently ailing -
upon her eyes the hand of God.

Infenity Covett Comments

p.a. noushad 13 February 2009

your poems touch my soul.

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