Isunge Mwangase

Isunge Mwangase Poems

After she smiled, a kiss she blew me,
Like a woodpecker making her nest
I heard my heart quake,
When she turned around and drenched his lips,

I lick my lips to taste our kiss from yesterday-
Caress these scratches on my back
To revitalize your touch-

My feelings still hold onto you,
Your fingers remove from my grip,
I never learnt to love you
But I love you,

On the banks of river Zambezi,
Amid climes chilly and hazy,
I think only of you my lover-
My fingertips gliding on the the river

Save the world, plant a tree,
For each one chopped, plant three,
Responsibility starts with you,
You actions, the things you do


Pain is not pain that is not
felt by the heart
Or when your soul is not torn


I thought I would live forever, like Newton or Shakespeare-
Until you were gone I realized you were my life’s elixir,
I tore your heart to pieces yet it is mine that is torn-
Numbed, suffocated, mutilated, annihilated-

My heart crashed with the loudest din,
Loving you is the greatest sin,
Because the wages of it is my death,
You made my soul leave the earth,

I believed the world was
'Til I fell off the edge of your

Don't be sorry for fracturing my soul
Though it never again will be whole,
Loving you is worth the pain,
I would do it over and over again

Now Zambia has gain'd her independence,
When shall she gain her freedom or perchance
Oneness 'mong her seventy-three tribes
That many times send each other bad vibes?

</></>What part of me loved you
Is it my eyes,
As they seemed to see for the

From a distance, perhaps from that mountain;
Those piano keys beckoned our hearts,
Our beckon because it was only us dancing,
Swaying in the rain to a melody only we heard.

For a moment they thought it would last forever,
But even strongest of bonds have to sever,
While it lasted they had eachother whenever,
It did not matter wherever,

If I wrote the perfect song,

Its notes and how the cords


In our lives we will kiss people we do not love,
We will make love and yet think of another,
We will turn off when we should have turned left,
We will search for things that do not exist,

They crave for eachother yet they are separated by pride,
A simple phone call could bring them together but
Their pride prevents either from lifting that phones cradle,
They feign not to notice their hearts evanescence away,

You taught me to breathe- forgot to teach me to breath without you,
You taught me to live- forgot to teach me to live without you,
You taught me to live, you forgot to teach me to live without you,
You taught me how to kiss- forgot to teach me how to kiss without you

I saw her standing over me just before I died,
Death-she gave out such a bright lovely white light
She was beautiful! I understood why all life followed her,
Where had I been not to have met her earlier?

My mother owns a beautiful
garden of flowers
Where I linger watching them
bloom for hours,

The Best Poem Of Isunge Mwangase

Afer She Smiled, A Kiss She Blew Me

After she smiled, a kiss she blew me,
Like a woodpecker making her nest
I heard my heart quake,
When she turned around and drenched his lips,
Out of my eyes came something like water;
A garland of shattered dreams
On a night I ere thought perfect,
My happiness a fleeting nova,
As she grabbed hers with all fingers-
And toes,
Betrayals quintessence yet she never mine was.

Had a shooting star's promise had been broken,
Or did she wish him a moment after I her?
Light and blackness separated by a hair,
Took her a second to abandon our moment-
And I, eternity

Isunge Mwangase Comments

Peya Jakob 22 January 2009

make a wish! there are two things i know the world needs-hope and a menage.

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Cupid Missed! 21 September 2008

Aribah! I can still make stuff disappear.Now you see nothing...And now u can say...I see wonderful things!

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