James Comerford

James Comerford Poems

A fall from grace

Did you fall

Away i did fade

Through fields of dreams I strolled

Lonely Lovers

Lonely Lovers

That one moment in your life!
When you are standing on the edge,
Wondering what part of life would you miss
If you leapt into the abyss

My sadness wears many hats
I am sad to lose a friend
It saddens me to watch my son cry or
To visit the grave in which my mother and brother lie

I am half the man i used to be
No longer do i stand tall
Time has taken its revenge
I stumble, i mumble and i Fall

I had no answers to your questions
I could find no words to appease you
I tried but could not please

I felt the warmth of your presence as you passed me by
You were unknown to me yet i knew you,
I had seen you in my dreams.
You were melded into my heart

What am i doing here i could have called it off!

Standing at the alter shedding a tear
Getting married for no other reason than the fear

Wherever i go i will walk the last mile with you
No matter the distance i will be just one step away

Not allowed to love you

I wanted you to love me

I have nothing more to give!

I gave you my heart and you tore it to pieces.
I gave you my soul and you stamped it into the dust.

Pick yourself up why dont you?
Better to love and lost, than to never have loved at all!
I read that somewhere
not sure where

When a child is killed in war?
What crosses your mind when continents are
ravaged by plague
Or the peace we seek cannot be found!

I am here for you. hold out your arms
Clasp me tightly to your breast!

I can hear your heart pounding!

The sum total of my life is nought but a wasteland
A journey that ended before it began!

Mountains were scaled in my mind

Looking over my shoulder
Watching you approach

Seeing you grow bolder


They carried his dust down to the sea


Found this today upon the ground,

The Falling Off Tree

Have you ever fallen off a tree?

James Comerford Biography

When i hurt i can write)

The Best Poem Of James Comerford

A Fall From Grace

A fall from grace

Did you fall

Did you understand that you were not wanted
never again to be feited,
to have your ego; s insatiable thirst sated.

How does it feel to be back amongst men
To feel what we all feel.
To have no crutch of office to lean on,
no pedastal to sit upon.

When we were children i loved you
I cried and laughed with you,
i hurt with you, i hurt for you,
then you left to climb those mountains
but they were just fountains of despair and lonliness

Did you miss me?

Did you fall or were you pushed?

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