Jan E Smith

Jan E Smith Poems

Thinking, feeling, loving and sharing.
Time with us must be for caring.

As I stop to think of years gone past,

When I was but a baby you held me in your arms.
Told me all those stories, and kept me from life’s harms.

Now I am all grown up, yet I still need you so.

Yes it’s just another day
Of asking why life is this way.
I try so hard to do what’s right.
My soul grows weary of the fight.

Did you ever stop and wonder why,
or do you even care,

Some people live just to get high,

What is sad, mad or even glad?
Do they relate to good or bad?

The anniversary of Darrel's death is here.

Fast furious thoughts, thoughts of life and death.
What's my purpose on this earth? Why was I given breath?

I've read many books and studied them well.

Peace, tranquility, calmnes of mind.
Leaving our troubles so far behind.

Coming together, our lives to share.


What is the age that makes us old?
When laughter stops and hearts grow cold.

The milestones we all must reach.

When did it happen? And was it all me?
You seem further away then you used to be.

Was it something I said, or the me that I am?

Memories of you flood my mind.
Your voice, how it calms my soul.

The words you speak so soft and kind

With the purest of intentions,
dreams are still shattered.
Searching for the answers,
when it never mattered.

Two souls the same, and yet apart,
creates a tugging at the heart.

Days that drag from dawn to twilight,

September eighth again today.
A day I'll ner forget.

Inside myself I chose to stay


Moms will come and they will go,
but none are quite like you.

Standing by us year to year,


Peace, tranquillity, calmness of day,
the laughter of children busy at play.

People together, gathered for good,

Tonight while the world lay sleeping,
I thought about today.

The walk we took, the time we spent


What is time? Where has it gone?
And what have I to show?

I live my life, some right, some wrong.


The time at home seems longer,
I'm tired of the fight.

My energy is draining and I wish


Sitting here thinking of all the years gone by.
From eighteen to thirty some, how the time does fly.

When I was young and so naive I fell in love with you.

It's that time of year again
to count our many blessings,
think of how our life has been,
Eat turkey, salad and dressings.

Jan E Smith Biography

I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California. Life was never easy, but my Mother did her best to provide us with a loving home. Without getting in to all the details, our family consists of several entities… mine, yours, ours, and even an adopted… All in all there were 7 girls and 4 boys. My Mother worked part time, and my Father was a Fireman. We had our chores to do, as well as plenty of activities and time for fun. I turned to writing at an early age in an attempt to remain sane. Have you ever shopped at Costco on a Friday night just before Christmas? That is what living in a house with so many people felt like to me. I never was alone with my thoughts and I felt I couldn’t escape the shopping carts. This is the only way I know how to explain it. Poetry saved my soul and my sanity. I have Mr. Thorp, my 5th grade teacher to thank for that. He was the person who inspired me to write my first poem. I never knew such freedom and relief with so few words. It was Heaven. Through the years I have seen a lot of joy, sadness, love, lost people I care about. I have worked to become the person I thought I needed to be career wise. Married at a young age, and lost my first born son. Divorced, married again, had two wonderful children. Raised them, and continue to go on learning from life. I am just now posting my poetry, as I need to grow. Writing the poems comes easy, sharing them is a whole different story. Aren’t we humans funny creatures? Thank you for taking the time to read about me. I hope you enjoy my poems.)

The Best Poem Of Jan E Smith

Missing You

Thinking, feeling, loving and sharing.
Time with us must be for caring.

As I stop to think of years gone past,
our love is what I want to last.

Too much time was wasted in fight,
that's clear now, I see the light.

Tonight with you my feelings did soar.
I held you close and longed for more.

Your touch, your kiss and gentle smile,
for those I'd walk the steepest mile.

Not just for the body but the spirit too.
Life's better lived when shared with you.

So hear this now, I'll make it clear,
I love you and I want you here.

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