Jankovic Zoran Poems

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Truth (1) ~ Istina (1)

Truth is the mother of the past.
Her daughter is a beggar
on Future Boulevard
in the city where

Sonnet Bouquet ~ Sonetni Buket

To make sonnet in another language, a lot of knowledge
of both languages, is required and a good sense of poetry.
I don't have the knowledge of the language
and about my feeling You are the judges if read this.

Fragment From My First Poem ~ Odlomak Iz Moje Prve Pjesme

I don't have manuscripts from my youth.
Do not ask me why.
The war has taken many lives
and brought different destinies.

Wine And A Women ~ Vino I Žene

They say that a women are like the wine,
What are older have a quieter bouquet,
become sweeter and smoothly.

Love In The Train ~ Ljubav U Vozu

Athens Express was running
through the night.

I look through the window

Impossible Love (1)~ Nemoguća Ljubav (1)

It's Autumn in me.
It's Springtime in you.
Winter is in us.
It was just short Summer.

Unnecessary Lies ~ Bespotrebna Laž

Unnecessary lies

You used to know that you were crying.
You would just say, "I'm crying."

Ring Of Smiles ~ Prsten Osmijeha

I'll give you a smile at the departure.
Promise me you will not take it off your face
when one day I will not be here anymore.

Haiku 4 (Man Who Has A Dog Spirit)~ Čovjek Koji Ima Duh Psa

A man who has a dog spirit (Haiku 4)

Throw him a ball for love
He returned it

Virus Of The Love ~ Virus Ljubavi

Virus of love

Every time it hurts the same
and attracts you again.

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