Jaqualen Roberts

Jaqualen Roberts Poems

death is love,
death is peace,
death is all the non-violent things around you,
death will hunt,

Day by day I think of you,
And not once forgotten,
Because I love you,
To much to let you go,


I've met a woman,
Who stands out from all other women,
She is everything I ever wanted,
She has the touch of life,

a life without love is like armegedon,
a life wiithout love is like a bullet peircing through my heart,
life without love is like war spreading over the world,
life without love give us no reason to live.

You are the nail,
That peirced my bleeding heart,
Causing my death,
And now my love for you will never be the same,

Darkness is bad,
Very very bad,
Say goodbye to all the shame,
And all the pain,

i want to share your pain,
share my love,
share my heart and soul with you.
i want to give you all you want,

I give you my love to heal your broken heart,
my heart to heal your pain,
my soul to keep you safe from harm,
all i ask in return is for you to love me back,


It has no limit,
May never be stopped,
For us it's measured in time,
there is no end to it,

The darkness that dwells within,
Crawls deep inside my soul,
Want to take control,
It's silent whispers calling my name,

i try and try to keep him in,
but he refuses to stay in side,
we talk and play when no one near,
but when they come i hide in fear,

If I could spend one day with you, I'd show you all that you mean to me. Let you know how much I care. Let me hold you in my arms, feel my warmth and comfort. Listen to my heart hum you name in a tone that may never grow old. then you will soon relize that I love you.

Everywhere you go theres a war near you,
Ehough you can't see it,
It's happening inside you,
No one can stop it,

As I walk you home,
I begin to feel a strange breeze,
Ggoing throuhout my body,
As I grab you hand,

You're beautiful like the moon lit sky,
Your eyes deep like space,
Your smile blows my mind,
Your beautiful voice like angels singing to my heart,

I hate you but you love me,
When I run away you follow,
When I'm asleep you're gone,
But when I awake you're standing over me,

Everyday I look in your eyes,
I wonder if I'll ever find a place,
Where the sun can't get us,
Where we can be together forever,

You are a wolf watching me eat
You crack down in the tall grass
So I do not see you.

Tell me why do you love me
When all you did was hurt me
Over and over again.
I loved you like no other

My dear friend I truly feel some type of way for you,
It's like my heart is calling for you through every beat,
Because of the fact that my that my mouth had been sealed,
Therefore no words can escape and say what I need to say,

Jaqualen Roberts Biography

Hello everyone, my name is Jaqualen R. I started out writing in my early teen years around the age of 14, it was the only thing that could help me cope with my depression. Everything i have written on here now are things I've decided to share. Growing up wasn't easy but somehow I've managed to make it worth while. I hope you enjoy the few I have.)

The Best Poem Of Jaqualen Roberts

What Is Death

death is love,
death is peace,
death is all the non-violent things around you,
death will hunt,
death will kill,
death is a fallin' angel,
death is what you will receive,
death is all around you,
death is love,
death is peace,
death is the killing angel of peace,
death will take every last soul,
death will vanish the day we leave,
you can run but you can from death,
he will find you no matter where you go,
death hunt by fear,
death is love,
death is peace,
death is all round.

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