Jay'Reeona Collins

Jay'Reeona Collins Poems


It's just me in the halls walking with an empty feeling,
all of this silence is something I find appealing
but this loneliness is a feeling I dread,
I'd rather be alone at home instead

I hate that I have to wait for you
All though it makes me want to kill you more…
It kind of makes me wonder,
What am I waiting for?

Every once in a while
My brothers would turn around.
And seeing me awake,
Would reach out their hand for me to take.

When I "Use To" Sing, I showed Passion.
When I "Use To" Sing, I showed Happiness.
When I "Use To" Sing, I showed Joy.
When I "Use To" Sing, I showed Love.

My mom called me a.....Disgrace
No. That's not how I want my poem to start off
Lets try this,
One night I was talking to my family

Why did you go?
You said we'd always be together.
You stabbed me in the back you chose her.
HER? !

I always wondered what is it like to die
I should know....

As many times I tried to kill myself

If love were like water,
I would wash away all your sorrows.
If love were like stone,
I would be your strength.


I dig...
YOU dig...
THEY dig...
WE dig...


Yo cavo
Tu cavas
Ellos cavan

The Best Poem Of Jay'Reeona Collins


It's just me in the halls walking with an empty feeling,
all of this silence is something I find appealing
but this loneliness is a feeling I dread,
I'd rather be alone at home instead

I feel alienated in this cold, horrible place,
with a hood over my head and a depressed look on my face
if I'm not hearing silence then it's the music I'm listening to,
it's an escape, something that I've gotten used to

I place myself in my mind and see a world that doesn't exist,
I'm a hunter, being chased by demons that attacked my wrist
I'm a project, being tested by cruel soldiers to complete my plan,
to rid the world of them for creating a madman

This is just an escape, from the real terror of my life,
It's better to fantasize than to be cut by a real blade or a rusted knife
I imagine myself trapped within one of my many twisted dreams,
the world overrun by demons with chaotic screams

I walk silently alone through the school halls,
in reality, it's nice and empty, in my head, the paper is peeling off the walls
it's a dark place I use to escape the horror of reality,
but it doesn't mean that I am set free

Even my own mind frightens me when I think to myself
the images created from fear and hatred, to torment me
it's like I'm creating a hell inside my head,
with the voices all telling me I'm better off dead

I'm going insane; slowly losing my mind,
happiness is something that is impossible to find
depression and darkness, things I did not intend
I regret to admit that this is the end

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