Jean Eugene Guan

Jean Eugene Guan Poems

I am alive but not living
I can breathe yet feel restrained
I have hope and still unbelieving
This seems the end, and it's too late

I want to kiss you in the morning.
Taste those lips like breakfast in bed.
See you first thing in the morning.
Never want you out of my head.

I felt the pain,
When you went out of my door
It is hard to face the fact,
That I cannot see you anymore

You were there at my reach,
A rose of radiant beauty.
You are my pleasure,
As I stare in your clarity.

The dark night sky covers my soul.
I dwell in my own world of darkness.
And I lay in my coffin down a six-foot hole,
Where I own my world as my heart sunders.

I speak to my one verse conspicuousness.
My mind is a twisting three-sixty.
I'm dying mostly because I know,
You can never be mine,

You cast that shadow,
A certain blow on my head.
The gun whose trigger pulled
Had devoured me from living to dead.

It is months since I heard you talk.
We have passed each other's side without a glance.
I haven't seen your face, those eyes, I loved.
Should you give me another chance?

Tonight is the night where souls release.
The darkness feeds on the unwary.
We find the milieu filled with dread.
It's time, and clime to the undead.

After I fall,
I learn to rise.
To face the new sunlight,
Beyond the clouds.

I'm just a man,
Wearing a mask.
Behind this smiles,
Behind the laughter,

I dreamt of being with you.
Those sleepless nights drew by
The thoughts of your smile, your face,
How I want to touch your lips,

I was losing my breath,
My heart beating out of frame.
I did not know what is happening.
Another called your name.

The wispy wind blows
Out into the barren, deserted plain.
The tree that's old with sorrow,
Stands out and stretched disdain.


Dark and abandoned,
My mistletoe is empty under.
I'm alone and misty,
My heart is cold, as snow falls

Sparkling starlight
Wide eyed wonder
Hopes so high
Love each other

Who is this little child in view?
Where once cheerful colors, now metallic hue
Once a heart of flesh, now a heart of stone
And sad, tired eyes looking all forlorn

I cry for the fallen
Children of perdition
A nation in oppression
A people inconsolable

What? What am I doing here?
Seems like just yesterday, when it feels like home
Why? Why do I feel insincere?
When I look into your eyes, I realize all the emptiness inside of me

Throughout the night your face
Is the last thought of my mind
Whenever. Whatever. Whoever.
You are the only one I can remember.

The Best Poem Of Jean Eugene Guan

A Paradox

I am alive but not living
I can breathe yet feel restrained
I have hope and still unbelieving
This seems the end, and it's too late

I laugh when I am crying
I dance for I feel the pain
See the sunlight while it's raining
And my dreams flow down the drain

Jean Eugene Guan Comments

Jean Eugene Guan Quotes

One could not warrant change for something that is perceived as normal, for normalcy denies the desire for change. What is seen as true is not always true, and what is seen as acceptable does not always mean it is, in the first place. A ubiquitous vantage point and a collective opinion does not rectify its verity or truthfulness.

I am no pawn in your game of chess, nor a peasant from your idyllic fantasies. Moreover, this country knows suffrage, knows democracy. Ask and I will listen. Even the master did his bidding. Even he knows volition. Ask and I will listen...

Forgiveness is a choice. A choice to stay a prisoner of your own wrath, of your own past, of your own regrets. Or a choice to be free.

The effort and time spent in preparation are relevant to the magnitude of the task you are about to take.

Do not compare your life with others. What is true to them may not be true for you. So shut up, stop complaining, and go write your own story.

Why hold on to old memories when you can have new ones?

Sometimes things won't turn out the way you thought it would. That's probability - you might be right, but you could be wrong.

The more you are aware of your mistakes, flaws, and disappointments, the less you become critical about others.

Time for me is actual gold. It is the luxury that is too valuable to give, and too easy to waste.

Chasing your dreams could be hard especially when you're awake.

Life moves you forward, not backward. Therefore, make most of the time you've got - live, love, and learn. So that at the end of your journey, you can look back without regrets, and rest peacefully with satisfaction.

Change is everywhere. It is inevitable, so we have to live with it. Without change, there is no progress, no growth, no possibilities. Change makes us limitless. If there's one thing we can't change, it's change.

Controversy ignites interest. Do the unconventional. Shock the world. Then everybody would listen. Everybody would talk. That has been the trend ever since.

God will remove our comfort and the things that He deems harmful to us. Like a child, He guides us and watches us closely, ensuring our safety.

Charles Darwin postulated that men have come from apes. Well, I don't believe it is true! There are some whose brain seem to be a crustacean's and perhaps others a more inorganic matter - air. A well-traveled and educated man does not necessarily mean a man with fine character and manners. Some are all hat and no cattle, and just plain overbearing.

The more I think, the less I become.

Genuineness is a rarity these days. You will no longer find it in most people.

Villains have been victims, themselves, sometime in the past. It is just a matter of perspective which side are you on.

Life is a constant struggle. In surviving, we struggle. In existing, we struggle. We struggle to achieve our ideals. We struggle to make ends meet. We struggle to have a common point of view, to stand on a common ground. This struggle is ancient, and this makes us human.

Sorrow can be the fuel for change and the urge for revolution.

Happiness is the sunset, and life is just a breath. Love is forever and is beyond death.

Love until it hurts because that's the only way you know it's real.

I am a tad offended by people who thinks that singleness is pure bliss. Not everyone can splurge or travel, and revel in unfazed freedom. Some have taken the burden on their backs to support their families and toil relentlessly for 'salvation'. If married life is what it is now, I am mortified.

There are times when people just snap and break from all the pressure. You are not invincible. Even Superman has his weakness.

There are things that are bound to happen. Things that will scare us, haunt us and challenge us. These things might come in different ways, in different shapes and sizes. No matter how humongous. No matter how perplexing. It is how we face it that matters.

You see with your mind. You see what you choose to see. What you perceive may be another's fantasy. What might behold is not the reality, just simply imaginary.

Time spent is time lost. Where do you spend most of it?

In the immense vastness of this universe, YOU are just a very, very, very tiny speck. More so, an insignificant form of matter just like everything and everyone else around you. So do not act like the world revolves around you, and do not think that you are somewhat a superior form. Eventually, you will be just a part of the natural cycle of decay. A simple reminder: You are not the center of the universe.

The test you think are for others could be just your own.

Acceptance of what is true, anyway, is subjective, so each to his or her own. This is a free world, I might say, so stop complaining! Some people would be for you while others will be against you. It's their freedom to choose. Don't expect that everyone will join with you. Case closed.

It is always the same: warring nations, races, people, but to cure racism we have to remedy ignorance. Racists are ignorant and are blinded by the delusion that their stock is superior. It is bullying in a massive scale. This is something that has to be changed. And let us not pass on the responsibility and the burden to our leaders, we can make a difference in our own way.

A man of faith is a man of vision.

Knowledge is a commodity.

There is evil in all of us, potentially capable of doing harm and chaos. However, it is a choice to let the ' strong man ' get a hold of you. Evidently, evil is among us.

The past is an old friend who drops by, sometimes, to make you feel miserable.

Be civil and hold my tongue, I decided. Obviously, your petty game of power is on display. Your pride and predictable inclination towards self-glorification are unbearable to perceive. And that alone says I should not proceed with a mistake. I am no bull, and I saw you spat poison. Oh, you are delusional!

The law obliges but grace inspires. The old covenant ends with a curse, the new one everlasting peace, and life. LOVE is the greatest because LOVE is the reason that He who is eternal became temporal and be one as though made. If you want to know true love, look at the CROSS. It all began from Him.

A bunch of grasshoppers told me that it is unusual for a man to carry an umbrella in his bag. They did not know I was just getting ready for the rainy days.

My shape does not fit your mold.

It could be a great shock when someone so young dies so unexpectedly. We forget though that death is part of life. No matter when or how it will surely come.

This life is all about survival. So be thankful that you are able to make it through the day. You're a fighter.

Contentment can be an excuse for not wanting to improve and to evolve.

Intellectuals ask questions then seek for answers. Other people ask questions then look for someone else to seek for answers.

Your repugnant insolence aggravates my soul...

There are times when you thought you have grown enough, yet find that your baby shoes does fit in very well.

Lying is better than knowing the truth that hurts.

In life, consequences come after lessons. Learn from the missteps of others than your own.

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