Jean Penner

Jean Penner Poems

On a wintry night surrounded in peace,
Snowflakes tattooing the air,
Echoes of grace whisper in joy
That God is as near as a prayer.

Drifting on wings of an agnel,
The stairway to Heaven unfolds,
The steps leading up to a city,
The pathways transparent of gold.

The circle of love spins around us,
Its pattern of joy never ends,
For the beauty of love in a marriage,
Is found in the union of friends.

Softly growing in the garden of life,
Are beautiful flowers from God,
Lovingly planted inside our hearts,
Lining the pathways we trod.

As I look through the window of friendship,
I see in the gentle wind,
The whispered breeze of an angel,
It is in the image of 'friend'.

Deep in the heart of a country,
In the heart of a man, so dear,
Dwelled a father who tended a garden,
Where love grew through the years.

The window of Heaven is open,
The angels can fly to and fro,
And those that I love can all gather,
And look down at Christmas below.

Ssshhh – listen close to the whispers of God,
His presence is fluttering near,
Like butterflies loosened from heaven,
In them His image is clear.

An aged vine in a vineyard,
Grew strong in a Gardener's love,
Each day it grew in its beauty,
Through strength from the sun up above.

I peered through my window this evening,
Searching for signs of the time,
Looking for sprinkles of Christmas,
Dreaming of things I would find.

The flowers in Heaven are blooming,
Their love encircles the door,
For the gateway to Easter is open,
-Someone has been there before!

A tiny little Lady Bug,
Once lived across the sea,
And every day she asked the Lord,
'Is there a mommy yet for me? '

Soft, the Whisper of God's love,
Was spoken to me through the years,
From the gentle rock of a cradle,
To the silent wipe of a tear,


Our dear and loving father,
Unspoken thoughts are here,
Reminiscing care for you,

There's a message in the breeze,
It whispers love to me,
And everywhere a flower blooms,
His love is there to see.

Soaring with wings like an angel,
A heron so peacefully flies,
Feeling a breeze soft from Heaven,
God guiding his flight in the sky.

Soft on a breeze comes a message to you,
I’m sending it down with my love,
For the windows of Heaven are open,
And I see many things from above.

Twas a crisp Autumn morning, a freshness filled the air,
Skies were peaceful blue - No doubt, our God was there.

He saw the sadness coming, His heart was braced with love;

Be still, and listen to the wind,
As it whispers through the leaves,
For the gentle song of angels,
Is blowing in the breeze.

I've heard the sound of angel wings,
Listen; they're fluttering near!
As the gentle voice of a Father called,
'Behold, my child, I'm here.'

The Best Poem Of Jean Penner

God's Grace

On a wintry night surrounded in peace,
Snowflakes tattooing the air,
Echoes of grace whisper in joy
That God is as near as a prayer.

Looking from Heaven to the eyes of His child,
His gaze melts the fears of the day,
Like a comforting hug, He soothes us with love,
A promise He won’t look away.

Eyes ever watching the joys in our lives,
Ready to ease all our pain,
God waits to reach out and capture our tears,
And turn them to snowflakes again.

Looking from Heaven to the face of His child,
God’s smile warms the depths of our soul,
Caressing our hearts with compassion,
Keeping us warmed in the cold.

In the dark of the night, His presence is near,
His love like a shimmering glow,
Emitting a peace that covers our lives,
God’s grace falling down as the snow.

Using the flakes that drift from His hand,
He gingerly shapes us with grace,
Keeping us near in the image of Him,
Shining His light on our face.

On a wintry night surrounded in peace,
Snowflakes tattooing the air,
We look up to Heaven and know with a smile -
That God is as near as a prayer.

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