jennifer hall

jennifer hall Poems

My little sister is
always there when you need her.
My little sister is the
best little sister ever

If roses can be

So many memories we've made together.
As the years have slowly passed.
Tears may have been cried
but our laughter drownedthem all out.

Makeup hides my feelings
Makeup hides my face
So many layers of makeup
My true colors can't be traced.


You may not love me like i love you.
You may not care for me like i care for you

It's true the sky is blue
It's true the grass is green.
Some people are good, but
some are mean.

Daffodils yellow,
Daffodils sweet grow in my garden
down by my feet.
Spring is here

Day by day,
Night by night,
Kiss by kiss,
Touch by tough,

I'll be there to say i care
I'll be there when theres time to spare
I'll be there when you need a friend
I'll be there till the end


Sex is love
Sex is pain
sex is good and sex is bad
Sex is a gift to your husband or wife.

Memories....... of your beautiful face
Memories........ of your lovely eyes lookin at me
Memories..... of your smile, smiling back at me
Memories...... of your voice softly whispering in my ears

What does 'I'm not ready for a relationship' mean?
It plays like the record in a broken dream.
It was more like a nightmare to hear you say
'I'm not feeling for you the same way'.

We started out as friends,
but as the year passed our friendship became something more.
You asked me out in november
as time went by we realized that we were meant to be.

You lay by the wall
curled up in a ball.
You are solid white with one blue eye and the other one green.
You like to play with balls,

9 months of carrying you in my belly,
now i have you in my arms.
I hold you in my arms while i feed you,
you look back at me while you drink your milk, your beautiful

jennifer hall Biography

my name is jennifer i am 19...i graduated high school in 2008...i love to write helps me express my thoughts and my feelings....i have a dog named babygirl..i love her she is the best dog ever..i also have a myspace...and a can email me if u want i am always on..well peace out (email)

The Best Poem Of jennifer hall

My Little Sister

My little sister is
always there when you need her.
My little sister is the
best little sister ever
and i would not trade her for anything.
My little sister has
a way of making everyone
laugh when they have a bad day.
My little sister is one of a kind
My little sister is annoying to,
but i still love her anyways.
My little sister
is also my best friend.

Dedicated to my sister Megan I Love you 4 ever

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