Jim Boone Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Step Aside And Let It Be

I can come across as poor
But my birthright states that
I Am rich (No, I will not rhyme
this with the B-word, so there) .

While The Blue River Is Flowing

Everything is ‘dying’
From the buds of Spring
To the ancient old tree

Christians - Lsd & Scientology

They have all tried unsuccessfully
To alter my sense of who I Am

L. Ron Hubbard's books hooked me
And inquiry sent ‘auditing' attempts
To brain-wash a youth full of gumption and
Self-preservation. They did not succeed.

Century 16 Aurora 2012

Sunrise, sunset on chaos, fear, shock, good and evil;
out of the darkness into the light. Of what! ? !

'We must protect the rights of our citizens to bare
arms; make it as easy as possible for the mentally

9/11/2001: Engine 7 - Ladder 1

A sea gull flies across an awakening eastern sky as the
Twin Towers of the NY World Trade Center catch the
Rays of the rising sun, reflecting them across the water
And the neighborhoods below:

Like A Feather

Floating on a breeze

Landing at our feet


Mount that crane and lift me
From the bondage of mediocrity
To the life only my Heavenly Father
Would bestow on a child with

Devil & Angel

</>Me & You
Us & Them
Just as I Am
Just as You are

Za Za Zsu

Soon after zit zapping
There came “Only, if I want you to”
I never settled for anything less
Than bright sparks and butterflies

Bono U2?

A powerful message full of anger
Strong beliefs and a desire
To shake it up. A strong helping
Hand - 'Am I buggin' you?

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