Jim Yerman Poems

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He was already an old man the first time, at us, he waved
and that memory is one his sister and I…in our hearts have forever saved.

We learned his name was Joseph…and as a general rule

What Would You Do?

If you were told this was going to be your last day that tomorrow you'll be leaving everything behind…I wonder, after hearing that, what thoughts pop into your mind?

Is there one person…maybe more…someone you have known…to whom you might want to write a letter or talk to on the phone

A Favorite Of Mine

The other day on our morning walk…while by a lake enjoying the view…Deborah turned to me and said, "This is one of my favorite things to do."

As we gazed out on the water I thought about how often this occurs…and I smiled at my good fortune for having married her.

Not All Holidays Are Happy

As we navigate the waters of life…for many of us the holidays are a joyous time…we smile and say, "Let the joy begin! "
But for others, who are remembering someone they lost…the holidays are when sorrow comes flooding in.

The flood waters begin to rise as they are reminded of a death…

The Soul Of Nature

The silence of the darkness on my early morning strolls is as close as I have ever come to experiencing nature's soul.

There is a beauty in her silence at the beginning of the day…a tranquil kind of mystery that can take your breath away.


Life is ephemeral…it goes by quickly…at times this could be cause for resentment…which is why, I imagine, we tend to cherish our moments of contentment.

These are easy to spot in a person…you'll find them usually sitting quietly…in one place…watching what is going on…with a smile on their face.

Happy Christmas Eve

I love Christmas Day… the giving…the receiving, a small reminder of the make believe
but I also love the days that lead up to Christmas…most notably Christmas Eve.

The gifts sit wrapped under the tree…unopened…their ribbons and bows are tied.

Listen To The Sirens

When we hear the siren and see an ambulance we pull over and for a silent moment…we pray…for the people inside that ambiance….until the siren fades away.

Chances are we don't know the person hurt or the people helping on that particular day…and our world is only interrupted for a moment…until the siren fades away.

Magic Show

I've loved magic for as far back as I can remember…I even have a few magic tricks I know…so for my birthday Deborah surprised me with tickets to a local magic show.

We sat in the front row…VIP's…as the magic was performed…watching with wide eyes and open mouths as the stage continually transformed.

A Little Beauty And Innocence

This simple story I relate to you exactly as it unfurled…reminding me there is still pure beauty and innocence in the world.

A mother and her daughter entered the bookstore…at guessing ages I am poor…I know enough not to try to guess the mother's age…but her daughter was five…or maybe four.

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