Jim Yerman Poems

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The Magic

I love watching a magic show…I love to be surprised…I love how the magic happens…right before my eyes.

The secrets inherent in the magic…I don't care to know…I prefer to be amazed…to sit back and enjoy the show.

Look To The Sky

When searching for a philosophy on how to live…how to act and why…my search ends quite abruptly…when I look up at the sky.

The sky understands how life is always moving…how it constantly rearranges…how we must enjoy each moment…before that moment changes.

The Grandchildren's Table

There was a time when I had more hair and I was, I imagine, a little thinner…when our family gathered around one table to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.

But as our family grew and our table didn't…as a family we were no longer able…to sit together in one spot…so we added…the grandchildren's table.


He was already an old man the first time, at us, he waved
and that memory is one his sister and I…in our hearts have forever saved.

We learned his name was Joseph…and as a general rule


Life is ephemeral…it goes by quickly…at times this could be cause for resentment…which is why, I imagine, we tend to cherish our moments of contentment.

These are easy to spot in a person…you'll find them usually sitting quietly…in one place…watching what is going on…with a smile on their face.

What Would You Do?

If you were told this was going to be your last day that tomorrow you'll be leaving everything behind…I wonder, after hearing that, what thoughts pop into your mind?

Is there one person…maybe more…someone you have known…to whom you might want to write a letter or talk to on the phone

Christmas In Florida

I love Christmas traditions…from the food to the presents to the tree…how each family has our own traditions…locked into our memory.

I remember Christmases in Ohio…where I was born…where I did my earliest growing…I remember our aluminum Christmas tree with rotating colors…I remember cold…I remember snowing.

Happy Christmas Eve

I love Christmas Day… the giving…the receiving, a small reminder of the make believe
but I also love the days that lead up to Christmas…most notably Christmas Eve.

The gifts sit wrapped under the tree…unopened…their ribbons and bows are tied.

From One Athlete To Another

Our granddaughter's playing soccer again…she's the goalie on her team
and in some ways as I watch her…it's like I'm reliving a dream….

You see I grew up thinking I was an athlete…what other conclusion could I draw…

Magic Show

I've loved magic for as far back as I can remember…I even have a few magic tricks I know…so for my birthday Deborah surprised me with tickets to a local magic show.

We sat in the front row…VIP's…as the magic was performed…watching with wide eyes and open mouths as the stage continually transformed.

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