What Would You Do? Poem by Jim Yerman

What Would You Do?

If you were told this was going to be your last day that tomorrow you'll be leaving everything behind…I wonder, after hearing that, what thoughts pop into your mind?

Is there one person…maybe more…someone you have known…to whom you might want to write a letter or talk to on the phone

Is there a person whom you've been missing…who you want once more to see?
Do you want to say ‘I love you' one final time to your friends and family?

Would you watch the sunrise one more time…or count the stars up in the sky"
Is there a place you'd like to visit once more before you die?

If this is your final day on Earth…the final moment your destiny will allow…then it stands to reason, if you think about it, your most important time…is now.

Since you can't be sure if todays the day your life will slip into the past…it's probably a good idea to live every day as if it is your last.

Which means each moment is an opportunity to be generous and kind…to do the things that only a moment ago…popped into your mind.

That way…even if you don't die tomorrow…when you finally leave this place
you will leave with no regrets…and a smile on your face.

And just as important to your heart…your soul…your mind…
will be the smiles on the faces…of those you leave behind.

Please excuse me now…I have to go…you see I intended this poem to be for you…
but I just realized there are a number people I'd like to call
and a number of things I'd like to do.

Kim Barney 28 December 2021

Always good advice, to live each day as if it will be your last. Some day, you will be right!

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Rose 28 December 2021

Loved the ending. Outcomes never reveal themselves until they arise.

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