Jim Yerman Poems

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A Little Beauty And Innocence

This simple story I relate to you exactly as it unfurled…reminding me there is still pure beauty and innocence in the world.

A mother and her daughter entered the bookstore…at guessing ages I am poor…I know enough not to try to guess the mother's age…but her daughter was five…or maybe four.

Beware The Baning Of Books And Speech

I'm not sure what's happening in this country…sometimes I think it's being overrun by fools…in some states they're banning books…in my state, Florida, they're banning talking about gender and sexuality in schools.

While closing up the bookstore the other night I was thinking how crazy can this be…
as I was re-shelving one of the books they've banned in Tennessee.

I Wonder What Joyce Would Say

Joyce Kilmer, who's most famous poem is Trees, was killed by a sniper's bullet July 30,1918 while scouting in France during the first world war.
Which leads me to wonder what he might have written about war….
if he only had the chance…

Listen To The Sirens

When we hear the siren and see an ambulance we pull over and for a silent moment…we pray…for the people inside that ambiance….until the siren fades away.

Chances are we don't know the person hurt or the people helping on that particular day…and our world is only interrupted for a moment…until the siren fades away.

Magic Show

I've loved magic for as far back as I can remember…I even have a few magic tricks I know…so for my birthday Deborah surprised me with tickets to a local magic show.

We sat in the front row…VIP's…as the magic was performed…watching with wide eyes and open mouths as the stage continually transformed.

Everywhere Babies Banned

The book Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers originally published in 2001…
look it up…you might be amazed at all the awards it's won!

It celebrates all kinds of babies and families in this diverse and once wonderful land…

From One Castle In The Sand

They were walking on the beach one morning…together hand-in-hand…when, overwhelmed by a memory, he stopped in front of a castle in the sand.

"Do you remember, " he whispered, "when we built our first castle in the sand? "
She nodded…laid her head upon his shoulder…and gently squeezed his hand.

Kindred Spirits Of Us All

I believe nature is our teacher
that there are lessons in her trees...
in her flowers...
in her animals...

What Is It About Family?

What is it about a sunset? What is it that we treasure?
What is it about a sunset…that we derive such pleasure?

It could be while we watch the sun as it slips out of the sky

Unexpected Gifts

How lucky we are as humans
that on the wings of nature drift
a myriad of wonders...
A host of unexpected gifts.

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