What Is It About Family? Poem by Jim Yerman

What Is It About Family?

Rating: 4.5

What is it about a sunset? What is it that we treasure?
What is it about a sunset…that we derive such pleasure?

It could be while we watch the sun as it slips out of the sky
how a myriad of colors are reflected in our eyes.

What is it about the tides? What about them do we hold dear?
What is it about the tides that we cherish and revere?

It could be how they glimmer as the waves break to and fro
how we wonder at the horizon as the water ebbs and flows.

What is it about the changing leaves? What is it that we love?
What do we find so pleasing as they fall from up above?

It could be as we watch the leaves slowly cascading by
we feel as if we're in a rainbow that has fallen from the sky.

But I think there's more to sunsets and tides and falling leaves
more than their visual felicity…
I think they not only thrill our senses…they remind us of family.

Time with family flies by so quickly…you want to make it last
But before you know it, in the blink of an eye, it has slipped into the past.

But if we get our cue from nature…we needn't be too concerned…
for family…like the setting sun…the tides and the falling leaves…
Is destined to return.


the tides and the falling leaves.....is destined to return, Nice work.Thanks for sharing.

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Jazib Kamalvi 15 May 2017

A nice description of nature alongwith family. Thanks

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