Jim Yerman Poems

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Unrehearsed Moments

The young man noticed the older couple walking toward him at a slow and labored pace
The older man clinging to the older woman…his arm around her waist.

They stopped along the water's edge…he gave her an embrace.

Their Secret

He was about to become a father…yes, a child he would beget!
So he browsed through countless bookstores…and he surfed the internet.

He was searching for a book on parenting…because he didn't have a clue…

A River Of Daydreams

The sky was filled with clouds today they hugged the mountains…hanging low…
As a breeze picked up and the leaves were falling…I stopped to enjoy the show.

As I watched the clouds move across the sky…sometimes independently…sometimes intertwined…

Our Beautiful Heart

How wondrous is our heart…it performs a Herculean feat
by bringing us to life…when it begins to beat.

How enduring is the heart...it keeps beating even when we're asleep.

My Rights...Your Rights...Human Rights

There is so much that is wrong with the United States…
and even though our founders were farsighted
the country they created
Is far from one united.

Silent Poetry

The poetry of an artist is in how her paints rhyme.
She's blessed with the ability to lift…
and freeze a moment we see in time…
This is the artist's gift…

Two Rivers

Two rivers flowing independently…their waters fast and wide
Two rivers flowing freely across the countryside…

Two rivers come together…two rivers forming one.

Sad Eyes

He saw sadness in her eyes…this saddened him as well…
and he wondered if there was a way…her sadness he could quell.

But her sorrowfulness ran deep…as sorrow often will.

I Found Myself In You

After being together many years…one day she became distraught
when looking at him sitting there…she had an awful thought.

"Have you been happy? " she asked him…"Or would you rather have been free? "

My Plans

I had so many plans when I was just a boy…
plans that would bring me fame and wealth…happiness and joy…

I planned to be a pilot…I planned that I would fly…

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