Jim Yerman Poems

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Helen Keller

Imagine a baby being born healthy...oh what a happy day!
Then imagine 19 months later a sickness strips it all away.

The Grandchildren Are Coming

Our grandchildren are always a joyous, welcomed sight
And today their coming over and they’re going to spend the night!

As we await their visit Deborah and I always feel inspired.

Christmas Concert

I attended Aden’s 4th grade Christmas concert: 7: 00 Tuesday night
Watching him standing and singing with his class was the usual delight.

Wait! Schools don’t call it Christmas anymore, oh how this dismays

Why I Love Elephants

I love elephants! It's a love I'm not ashamed to affirm.
Yes, I'm not afraid to say it…I'm in love with the pachyderm!

It's not just because as I've grown older my ears and nose are larger…and it's easier to get fat…no, my love affair with elephants is so much more than that.

Family Tree

The roots of a family tree run deep for they were planted long ago.
generation upon generation have nurtured and watched that family grow

into a tree whose strength and beauty is impossible deny.

Thoroughly Modern Grandmas

Though still as loving, still as kind and gentle, still as beautiful as they were in days of yore…
today's grandmas are a different breed than the grandmas who came before.

Although they still share some similarities…the love they freely give…that twinkle in their eye…

Dad Jokes

One of the advantages of being a father and a grandfather…
is something done on my family's behalf…
to teach my children and grandchildren how to have fun…
how to smile… how to laugh.

To Immortality

Because I could not stop for Death - 
He kindly stopped for me - 
The Carriage held but just Ourselves - 
And Immortality. (Emily Dickinson1830-1886)

Are There Hummingbirds In Heaven?

She crawled into her father's lap…not long after Grandma died,
Still trying to process what had happened…still a little teary-eyed.

They were on the porch in Grandma's rocker..when they heard a familiar buzz

Lessons On Counting

When he counts his blessings as he was taught to do
his family and his friends are always number one and number two.

He remembers when his parents taught him how to count blessings

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