Why I Love Elephants Poem by Jim Yerman

Why I Love Elephants

I love elephants! It's a love I'm not ashamed to affirm.
Yes, I'm not afraid to say it…I'm in love with the pachyderm!

It's not just because as I've grown older my ears and nose are larger…and it's easier to get fat…no, my love affair with elephants is so much more than that.

I know that elephants are animals…but it's not the animal I see…
When I look at an elephant…I see their humanity.

Elephants protect one another…they know the importance of family…they know how to work together…they'll even baby sit…for free.

Elephants are social…and within their elephant habitat
using their trunks to communicate…elephants love to chat.

Elephants can also be vain…with human's that's another connection…for they've been known, just like us, to be enamored with their own reflection.

Elephants eat only plants…from this diet they never will cheat..and as a vegetarian…how can I not love an animal who refuses to eat meat.

And here is a priceless little known fact I'm happy to share with you…elephant babies suck their trunks…just like, with their thumbs, human babies do.

Finally elephants are not afraid to express their feelings…in their own emotional pachyderm skin they are snug…I love the way they use their trunks…to feel…to touch and to hug.

They will lend a trunk to one another…they will comfort an elephant bereaved…elephants have been overheard weeping…yes…elephants also grieve.

So there you have my reasons why in the animal kingdom I think the elephant is a gem….
In truth…It's not because they are more like me…
it's I wish I was more like them.

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