Jim Yerman Poems

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My Home

I was brought up thinking that our house was where the mailbox had our name…and like everyone in my family…our house and our home…were the same.

It's where we laughed and cried…where around the dinner table we sat…but as I've aged I've come to realize…home is much more than that.


Have you ever witnessed a murmuration…that beautiful and wondrous sight…when birds all together change directions in the middle of their flight?

Seemingly they work as one…as the flock swoops left, right, lower and higher…murmuration is another reminder of nature's beauty and her ability to inspire.

Pottery Class

The other night we took a pottery class and I wish I could convey…the excitement we both felt with our hands immersed in clay.

In some ways we felt like kids again…perhaps that's the appeal…as we began to play in the mud…upon the potter's wheel.

Dream House

When we were younger and we'd dream…Debrah and I would agree on what size and shape and color…our perfect house would be.

It would be a bungalow with room for our family…and more…the kitchen would be big and modern…there'd be bedrooms on the second floor.

The Essay

The teacher stood in front of the class,
"Today, she said, "I'm giving you the same assignment I give every year! "
"Please write what you want to be when you grow up...
and remember:


Enora used to take him walking in the woods…they would listen to the trees….They would stop to touch the flowers…watch the butterfly and bees.

Enora loved to walk among the birds…she knew them all by name……She did not have a favorite one…for she loved them all the same.

The Magic Of The Beach

One reason we are drawn to slow walks along the beach…besides the beauty we are shown…is that every walk along the shore has a magic of its own.

Even though we may walk the same beach…may amble the same shore
each walk is filled with subtle differences than the walk before.

The Day Her Daughter Flies

She knew this day would one day arrive
just as she knows each morning the sun will rise…

Still she feels its bittersweetness…

The Day The Fire Has Burned Out

The news we received wasn't tragic…wasn't the worst news we've ever had…still…hearing our fireplace couldn't be used anymore left us feeling sad.

For over 30 years whenever the weather turned cold we had a fire burning there…the sad news wasn't just that she was broken…but she'll cost too much too repair.

Magic Hands

Here's a little something I hope, someday, the whole world understands…that we all have been created with magic in our hands.

Mothers and their babies feel it from the moment the mother's eyes upon the newborns linger…when she touches her hand to theirs…and they hold on to her finger.

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