Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Poems

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It Is Good

IN Paradise while moonbeams play'd,

Jehovah found, in slumber deep,
Adam fast sunk; He gently laid

Book Of Suleika - In Thousand Form

IN thousand forms mayst thou attempt surprise,

Yet, all-beloved-one, straight know I thee;
Thou mayst with magic veils thy face disguise,

Venetian Epigrams I

Sarcophagi, urns, were all covered with lifelike scenes,
fauns dancing with girls from a Bacchanalian choir,
paired-off, goat-footed creatures puffing their cheeks,
forcing ear-splitting notes from the blaring horns.

Ever And Everywhere

FAR explore the mountain hollow,
High in air the clouds then follow!

To each brook and vale the Muse

Living Remembrance

HALF vex'd, half pleased, thy love will feel,
Shouldst thou her knot or ribbon steal;
To thee they're much--I won't conceal;

Minstrel's Book - Talismans

GOD is of the east possess'd,
God is ruler of the west;
North and south alike, each land
Rests within His gentle hand.

From Faust - I. Dedication

YE shadowy forms, again ye're drawing near,
So wont of yore to meet my troubled gaze!
Were it in vain to seek to keep you here?

The Christmas-Box

THIS box, mine own sweet darling, thou wilt find
With many a varied sweetmeat's form supplied;
The fruits are they of holy Christmas tide,
But baked indeed, for children's use design'd.

The Boundaries Of Humanity

WHEN the primeval
All-holy Father
Sows with a tranquil hand
From clouds, as they roll,

Neither This Nor That

IF thou to be a slave shouldst will,
Thou'lt get no pity, but fare ill;
And if a master thou wouldst be,
The world will view it angrily;

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