There is no brilliance
in creating one Haiku
my dog composed this.
The freethinker peddles his thoughts
of conflicting matters and disillusion distinctions
eventually, confronts endogenous distraught.
Custom of truth valued by all,
Lies are lies, great or small;
Where thy tongue spew in contort,
An angel vengefully hears distantly amort;
Long ere creation spurn
The stars shone in the heavens,
Billions of years they have burned
To musing eyes
The trials of one's squalor
So grim and pallor,
My anxiety followed me through the door
Filled in anguish, subdued and pardoned no more;
Will God remember all who have perished,
all who have died upon this earth, everyone?
Will He, pass over the the shepherd
for whom was devoured by wolves?
Overwhelms the immoderate mortal,
Where He keeps our memories that have passed,
When they are buried in that forgotten portal,
His omniscient and gathering grace,
Plucking strings, from an ancient instrument
invokes a chord of mysterious rhapsody,
conjure melodies of distant land,
an aria stirs about the lost decadence,