Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoet Poems

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In Praise Of Addenbrookes’ Hospital Porters

Through Hospital corridors do roll
Beds and Chairs with Patients in,
From Ward to X-ray they do go
As well as to other Stations too.

A Trickle Of Words

Why is this poem hard to write?
Why will the words not flow from my Mind?
They float In and Out, and scurry around,
But onto my pad will not settle down.

Belated Valentine Wishes

You looked, you sought, but did not find
A poem today from me,
I'm sorry but there was no Muse,
Within my heart for thee.

Round And Round The Roundabout

She asked to follow me home,
She was not certain of the way,


I am not being Big-Headed,
I know my place in Life,
It is to listen to HIS Words,
And to do that which is Right.


Out of the depths of my despair,
Full of pain and desperate now,
Wondering when my body will repair,
From this illness of which YOU are aware.

Clear Thoughts

Why cannot I think clearly?
Weigh up the Dos and Do nots,
List up all the Pros and Cons,
And all those Wills and Will nots.

The C.S.T.

I dedicate my poem this time
To the Men and Women of the C.S.T.,
Who put their lives on the line,
For the continued safety of you and me.

Sensual Thoughts

I smell the musty scent of Summer
On hedgerows moist with morning dews,
And view the colours of Autumn leaves
Resplendent in their glorious hues.

'It's Hot! ! '

You are a remarkable Grandson,
You spoke on the day you were born,
‘It’s Hot’ said you,
Auntie D.D. heard it too,

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