This song is Portuguese
and it says:
“There is joy, there is sorrow
Standing here
Our roots entwined
Nourished and nourishing
The seasons pass
The Shadow of your cheekbone
In the Sunlight of my memory
Your Eyes cast inward
Listening to the Truth
Everywhere I go
I am here.
How can I leave you
When there's nowhere to go?
Lying on the Earth
feeling the warmth of the Sun
the clouds come
the seasons change
The Portuguese Song
This song is Portuguese
and it says:
“There is joy, there is sorrow
And sometimes they walk
Hand in hand
As you and I
And there is no reason not
To laugh at the sorrow
Or cry from the joy
Because, like us,
They are invited
So let us thank them
For walking with us
On this path we call life
And dance with them
For who knows
What is waiting
For us at the end,
If there is one? ”
your poems touch my heart