Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added

When the votes were counted, conform with their little crosses,
with the ballot-boxes lying empty
like empty promises splashed over a Westminster canvas,


He spins cooked wheel with crookèd hands,
close[d]) to true sum in sunny lands,
ring’d by a green baize world, he stands.

Man Is Time’s Fool - Polyacrostic Sonnet

Most answers naught important show, though I
answers seek beyond doors padlocked tight, -

Hidden Emphasis - Acrostic Sonnet – Ideogram Images

Incorporating verse in gilded frame
Does not, as such, suffice, - vice to conform.
Each should follow conscience, - smile, rile, charm, scorn,
Open communication’s blinds. The aim: -

Yellowstone Caldera

Yellowstone caldera sudden shivers
Earthquakes follow, swallow soil that quivers,
Lifting expectations once again
Life hangs by hair 'spite prayer as joy and pain,

Tree's Frogs After Alfred Joyce Kilmer Trees

I think that I shall never fail
to see with glee a froggy tale
more lovely than a poem which
most must with difficulty stitch.

Oft have I seen within some bookstore door
a comic book, with illustrations neat,
unburdened by the hands of tiny feet
chaperoned by smothering mothers sure

Haiku Pink Of Perfection

Sakura pixels
perpetuate seasonal
pink of perfection

Ready, Steady, Go A Matter Of Timing

Subprime takes prime time working overtime,
as credit cards to debit dards turn, climb
precedes a fall unlooked for, pendulum swings weigh
past tipping point, primeval slime



Eleven, eleven, eleven years old,

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