Jonathan ROBIN

Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Ask still less of money spent where the spender thinks it went,
for, despite reminders sent, it's too easy to invent
excuses not to find the rent.

I often have some strange and striking dreams
about an unknown girl, of love we share,
each time the same, each time a different air
about her swirls, who understands it seems.

It rains in my heart
as on town and on mart,
pours down longings that start
to reign in my heart!

If you can back your boss and keep on smiling,
while toning down his brash absurdities,
if, having watched the man manhandle filing,

Please see notes BEFORE reading

Those only interested in the second part explanation on differences in female/male thoughtmodes may scroll down to the highlighted couplet below:

Put in's power lasts an hour,
Sad damned man's did too,
when the spell in spelling's broken -
Shah 'I ran' would rue.

From dawn till dusk,
from land to land,
without too much ado,
I'd seek the perfect ankle,

He meets by chance he’ll ever bless
handmaiden, and some hidden hand
unveils an inner loveliness
too few take time to understand.


Time spins headlong, helter-skelter, alpha omega its hum,

Sixteen years, now almost seventeen,
I've played at stick and ball, stayed seldom still
until good master's call would whistle shrill
to lead me back - no need to smack. Sight keen.

Do you remember the Ball, Cinderella, do you recall the Ball?
And the prancing, glancing, dancing

Merlin, magician, foresight filled,

Why do you bury your head underground,
risking so much and so much?
O black and white ostrich with feathers all found,
why do you bury your head in the ground

White rose peeps, weeps too purely,
while red shows scarlet sins,
subjectivism’s surely
a set of moral gins.

Tyger’s Rumour

Rumour rushing rampant right

Gather ye rosebuds all who will,
and yet, though Time’s a-flying,
in one fair head, eternal still,
Life thrives, Death’s grin denying.

Shall I compare her to a summer’s day?
A thousand times more sweet she seems to me!
Nor may Time’s winds – (which darling buds of May
Do shake) – unsettle love’s perennity.

I prayed myself a_trophy,
as golden as could be,
so Vivian and Sophie,
on PH poetry

Requiem II

From life's dark, unwholesome cage
where love frets, siege raised in rage,

I, dot, would score, scour ocean floor,
you too were dot, not more.
We'd LOOP the LOOP in primaeval soup
our POOL gene POOL core corps.

Jonathan ROBIN Biography Kindly respect copyright and attribution and request permission to repost elsewhere. profile http: // Born London, based in Paris since 1973, Founder-member Internet Society England Civil Society Representative to U.K. Inter-Governmental E-Summit 2001 Advisory Board - International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet Currently Board Member and Former Vice-President French Chapter, Internet Society Founder French IPv6 Task Force - Pioneer Award IPv6 Forum http: // op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=18 ./. Jonathan initiated and piloted ISOC's recognition as UNESCO Operational Level NGO Former Secretary General Internet Society European Chapter Co-ordination http: // ./. Nominated to initial ISTF Steering Group by Vint CERF Election Chairman and Chair Internet Societal Task Force Privacy & Security WG. http: // Since 1972: Fellow, Japan Society of London, http: // Fellow Zoological Society http: // 1994: Board Member, France's First IT Think Tank, Club de l'Arche. http: // 1996: Chair International Internet Forum 50th Anniversary MENSA International. http: // 1997: Festive Committee Internet Fiesta http: // 1999 Vice-President French Teleworking Association http: // 2000: Vice President French Chapter Internet Society Rapporteur Scientific Theme European Commission Teleworking Conference 2002 Paris Advisory Board - International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet http: // ./. Scientific Committee UNESCO UNITAR Founder Member Internet Society England 2000-2003 Secretary General Internet Society European Chapters Co-ordination 2001-2003: Internet Society Liaison UNESCO & OECD Information Society Co-ordinator Newropeans http: // Rapporteur UNESCO NGO WSIS Online Forum http: // Recent Papers Overview of Ethics and Convergence of Emerging Technologies for the Seamless Society I – Intergovernmental Bureau UNESCO IFAP http: // Overview of Ethics and Convergence of Emerging Technologies for the Seamless Society II – Intergovernmental Council UNESCO IFAP March 2006 http: // Since 1999, Jonathan has taken a lead role in raising awareness of the Societal and Economic impacts of IPv6 taken in the context of ‘intelligent interface ubiquity’ of tomorrow’s sensor networks. This includes WSIS PrepComs, with both Privacy and Accessibility as InfoEthics priorities, notably since the November 2000 UNESCO InfoEthics Conference. – See powerpoint link given for World Summit on the Information Society in Bucarest updated for the Russian Communities Conference St. Petersburg 2003 http: // 2000: Founder and former Vice President IPv6 Task Force France 2008: IPv6 Forum Pioneer Award http: // op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=18 2011 re_elected Board Member Internet Society French Chapter Vice-President French Teleworking and Teleactivities Association http: //

The Best Poem Of Jonathan ROBIN

The Accounting Of Hardship - Parody Robert Frost

Ask still less of money spent where the spender thinks it went,
for, despite reminders sent, it's too easy to invent
excuses not to find the rent.

Therefore before you consent to part with pound, or penny, cent,
helping friend to supplement his small yearly increment, -
before you lament, repent!

Management most competent needs some legal instrument
to avert an accident, subsequent predicament, -
argument, embarassment

If your friendships you'd cement by behaviour sapient,
avoid disillusionment by tactful expedient, -
‘tis best the question to prevent!

Jonathan ROBIN Comments

Doug Bentley 29 June 2020

The Vatican has its Necropolis; Poemhunter, a World Poetry Archive. Welcome & Congratulations! Intrepid Traveler you've just found one of Poemhunter's most valued, buried, treasured, chests! So, traveler less roaded, are you a Rhodes traveler too?

0 0 Reply
M M 10 January 2012

A very talented poet, whose poems are always beautifully penned, not only through the choice of the words (mostly far beyond relevance) , but also through the thoughts these poems carry... and the sense of humour. Some of these pieces can be considered as masterpieces.

124 13 Reply
Jack Sprat 05 January 2012

It is not surprising to find Jonathan Robin among the top hundred most popular poets on Poemhunter... and apparently he has also 10 poems ranked in the top 20 out of 4 million on allpoetry. Looking at his biography one is surprised that he finds time to write in such a diversity of traditional styles on so many subjects, both contemporary and classical. One is confused by the number of poems nominally on poemhunter - less than 1400 compared to more than two thousand in his poetry book apparently available for download. As written in one of the comments below 'This gent has experimented with every possible poetic medium out there and with exceptional results.' - one can only agree and applaud.

155 12 Reply
p.a. noushad 04 April 2009

deep within i find a perfect blending of matter and manner, beautiful poems.

157 9 Reply
M S 14 December 2006

There are plenty of gems scattered through this vast poetic field. This gent has experimented with every possible poetic medium out there and with exceptional results. I have found myself skipping through the long-winded verbosities and brain-teasing acrostics, but got cought on the more personable social commentaries and those that were rooted in personal experiences. But then again, chaqun a son gout. Spin the wheel and see where chance will land you, chances are you won't be disappointed.

156 8 Reply

Jonathan ROBIN Quotes

POETRY: Openly shared articulated harmony of individual ability to channel creative soul-song AWAY from the ego

LIFE: A finite succession of infinite opportunities

NOISE: Signals static individuals are unaware they COULD decipher

Major case prose makes minor case rose

DIFFERENCES AND DEFINITIONS What is the difference beween... A sea captain and a corrupt judge? One is in charge of sailors, the other charges, sells laws. A welcome and an unwelcome guest? One stays over, the other overstays. A cross wire, and a worse crier? Telephone and phony tale. A merchant and a merchantman? One sells wares, the other wears sails. A poor singer and a harpoonist? One wails scales, the other scales whales. A gourmet and a gourmand? One eats out, the other outeats. A broker and a middleman? One deals in shares, the other shares in deals. A cheat and a forgetful person? One looks over, the other overlooks. A hunter and a coward? One fights the ducks, the other ducks the fights. Pollution and a poor sailor? One is a a sea slick, the other seasick. A salmon packer and a priest? One cans goods, the other cans Gods, they both fish. Propaganda and a bat? One lights hate, the other hates light, and both are blind. Woman of heart and woman of spirit? One ambitions caresses the other caresses ambitions. Rain is to cloudbreak what reign is to crowd break HE: 'I go out whenever I please! ' SHE: 'You please whenever you go out! '

Mémoires de demi-mondaine: Vingt mille lieux sous les draps.

Contrats Arabs: Soit des pots de vin, soit dépôt de bilan.

Musique qui chauffe la salle: Ré au mur.

Une primadonna passée : Hier Ronde Elle

Un pervert en voiture: Auto da fétichiste

Mémoires de Mao: Ma Chine infernale

Revers des primevères: Déprime vers

Revers des primevères: Déprime vers

Casino: Des sous de table

Le chasseur heureux: L'homme des caves vernis

La Vie : C'est naissance à senescence

L'anormal: L'Ane qui perd le nord

L'épitaphe du forain: Ci-gîtan!

Le rêve de l'adorée: Elle dort à dos

Crime passionnel: Abattement de coeur

Négociations du GATT: Ja chère de poule

L'époux de l'anglaise Les poux de l'être anglais étranglé

Les crocs mordents font des corps billards

Délits d'initié: Crimes et chuchotements

Swan Song I : Leda Liede Swan Song II: La cygne et l'assignation

Experience: Il vaut mieux rêver avec espoir que d'arriver au bon porc

Solution pour le tiers monde: Pain assez!

Bayard l'intouchable: Lepreux chevalier, sans poches, sans proches, sans reproches

La pyschanalyse: Chic analyse chicaneries chic aneries

Truth lies in...correction

METAKNOWLEDGE expands knowledge exponentially

If poetry is to be considered vibrant, precocious publication appears a contradiction in terms. Poems are living reflections of individual perception and, like life itself, should always be open to revision.

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