Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Verse Geo_Metrics Reversed After X J Kennedy Geometry

They say display of blindman's bluff,
verse accolades to gain,
limp lines time challenge long enough
won't find their waiting vain.

Haiku Unemployment

Haiku Empathy

Empathy's attained
neither greed, nor need for speed,
joy uncontained

Empathy we reach

Acrostic Sonnet Gail Harcus Life Witness Bears

Ghost of Cleopatra ‘neath the Nile
A thousand years had haunted twice before
In hearing of fresh fame sh[ad]e knew for sure
Life witness bears to one whose peerless smile

Haiku Wishy Washy

Wishy Washy I
train brain, strain grey cells' refrain,
ever seeking 'why'?

In seduction I lack
not one whit in the sack,
make strategic attack -
maiden's tongue tied and, thwack!

Haiku Upon Arrival

The clouds, which mask mount Fuji from below,
Above appear a blanket of Spring snow.

Arriving by air

No Curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
no lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,
though plowman homeward plods his weary way,
world sinks to darkness underneath the sea.

Haiku Fire And Water

While chimney's logged lips
purse around the flaming tongue,
Spring rain, spitting, drips.

Miss Reid's Speed Seeds Misread Red Weed Barrow Greed Screed

Miss Reid's Speed Seeds Misread Red Weed Barrow Greed Screed

So much depends upon callow Monsanto’s

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