Jonathan ROBIN Poems

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Upon Julia’s Voice After Robert Herrick Julia

So sweet, so smooth, silk soft her voice’s tone
the Damn’d rejoice, their souls no choice but moan,
must hearken to her, [strumming in her chamber],
muse melting melodies through lutes of amber.

Terse Verse

Poor verse
most adverse,
wealth disburse,
debt immerse,

Haiku Fantasy Unfulfilled

Youth fed fantasy
transforming life's mystery
to transparency.

I who reply before one hundred years
have seen Time's flow accelerate life's song,
respond in kind to message which appears
as symbols on a screen, its sense still strong.

Away from old pond
leaps olympic longjump frog
squelching sounds beyond.

Tongue Twisters I Uncanny Reply After Carolyn Wells A Canner

A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny,
'A canner can can
Anything that he can,

Rondeau Reclimbing Childhood Tree

In rhyme reclimbing childhood tree we try
to paint trunk soaring through dark clouds to sky
as tot from cot in garden grot advanced
upon strong branch in innocence. Dream chanced

Haiku Eight Homeless Dead

One white winter week.
Paris turns the other cheek,
afraid to speak.

Come live with me, my partner be,
and we will every contract make
that tricky opportunity
presents in life of bid and [s]take.

Totally Tout Apricot From Tot To Totter

Fair Apricot shares love a lot,
blooms zooming up to sky,
I watched from cot in garden grot
its spring sprigs spring so spry.

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