Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added

'The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon
Turns Ashes, or it prospers; and anon,
Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face
Lighting a little Hour or two, is gone.'

Valentine Vale Unveiled Prevails

Valentine, red roses sent,
Across time's screen flashed. Witness warm
Love's imprint, flush blush. Though no form
Explicit's drawn, yet, heaven lent,


Night, day, words work will's wondrous way,
translating into light
threads at play that more threads lay
seed phrases feed fresh flight.

Why Should Meek Clique Monopolize Attention?

Why should meek clique monopolize
attention when the other cheek
is tendered 'gainst some fit of pique
unfitting, seeing anger rise?

Anorexia Emaciation

Anorexic line schemes superficial.
No leeway as will o'whi[s]p as mannequin
Yearns for frustration's runway vent too thin
Wedge won't table. Supper intersticial

No ping, access unlimited,
no modem ring, no cut and dried
response supplied by manual read,
nO Brave New World which once seemed wide!


Life links experience in skeins to solve
its crucial questions before we dissolve.
Weave principles round wisdom from within
as asset principal, discarding sin

One Generation Sacrificed

One generation sacrificed, or more,
Now is high time to toll the tocsin knell
Enjoining all to come to terms with hell,
Great expectations dashed. Solutions for

Paved With Good Intentions

Full employment, life's enjoyment, social change serene, sustained,
has been game's aim since forever, cycles passed and fame's flames waned.
Spy inherent contradictions in between ways gleaned means stretched,
double binds' recycled ball-game till dread reaper soul has fetched.

She has heard a whisper say
time's climb shall_lottery homage pay.
The mist has left the mountain grey,
for climate change communiqué

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