Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Some Mere Spinning Rhymes

Gather life's rosebuds, man and maid,
there seed, share, time's hand can't be stayed,
and gentle innocence soon's passed.
greed gain ambitions oft waylayed.

Hot Air - Parody Witter Bynner Spectra

Just deserted after make-up refuselled,
I, who would have snoozled, hereafter
lose laughter, appear a foozle cahoozled,
as daft as a woozle or even dafter.


'Prior, I'm sure you'll agree,
though external beauty,
be but dermal, no higher,

My little space no trace may leave behind,
My little base, - whose clock must soon unwind.
Why little haste? When discontented mind
reproves the race of shadow-shapes unsigned,


Waning is – what?
Profaning a lot:
Explaining how what
far more often than not


A window box replete with flowery grace
Now blossoms by her bedroom, petals bend
Now east, now west as gusty signals send
Indications, perfumed puffs puffs chase.


[c] Jonathan Robin

Sang to M.C. Sonnet Cycle after William Shakespeare: Sonnets Sonnets LXXXI - C

Mantis And Chameleon Combined

Mantis and chameleon combined
In sorrow-smile strange siren spectrum sings.
Rainbow surface spins unfathomed rings,
Intense emotions stirs. Heart, unassigned,

Housewife's Choice - Kettle To Popocatépetl

Day day follows, Time despoiling,
tea-breaks bravely boredom foiling.
Bubbles boiling in the kettle
test their mettle ‘gainst the metal.

As I was strolling down Fleet Street
I met three tweeters texting fleet,
then Time defeated one more day,
and when one sun set where were they?

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