God said, "I made a man
Out of clay—
But so bright he, he spun
Himself to brightest Day
In my desire to be Nude
I clothed myself in fire: —
Burned down my walls, my roof,
Burned all these down.
It is what I never said,
What I'll always sing—
It's not found in days,
It's what always begins
Nobody yet knows who I am,
Nor myself may;
Nor yet what I deal,
Nor yet where I lead.
Leaned in my eyes and loved me.
Leaned in my throat and spoke.
Dared my grovelling bloodscape,
It to a dazzeling diamond made.
It's a hurricane of spirit—
That's genius! Not God can tear
It from itself, though He is the rose
In this skull that's seer.
If my sun set in the west
I could not bear it!
And if it rose in the east—
I must annul it!
When the world shall come to its end
On the world's last Love I'll stand.
O God will try to push me down but I
With all my force will push Him back.