Jose Garcia Villa

Jose Garcia Villa Poems

God said, "I made a man
Out of clay—
But so bright he, he spun
Himself to brightest Day

It is what I never said,
What I'll always sing—
It's not found in days,
It's what always begins

Between God's eyelashes I look at you,
Contend with the Lord to love you,
In this house without death I break His skull
I ache, I ache to love you.

In my desire to be Nude
I clothed myself in fire: —
Burned down my walls, my roof,
Burned all these down.

Leaned in my eyes and loved me.
Leaned in my throat and spoke.
Dared my grovelling bloodscape,
It to a dazzeling diamond made.

Nobody yet knows who I am,
Nor myself may;
Nor yet what I deal,
Nor yet where I lead.

If my sun set in the west
I could not bear it!
And if it rose in the east—
I must annul it!

Come to a conference with me!
We will confer About,
Till you are in Doubt.
This is the first Circumstance.

It's a hurricane of spirit—
That's genius! Not God can tear
It from itself, though He is the rose
In this skull that's seer.

When the world shall come to its end
On the world's last Love I'll stand.
O God will try to push me down but I
With all my force will push Him back.

I will break God's seamless skull,
And I will break His kissless mouth,
O, I'll break out of His faultless shell
And fall me upon Eve's gold mouth.

The Best Poem Of Jose Garcia Villa

God Said, I Made A Man

God said, "I made a man
Out of clay—
But so bright he, he spun
Himself to brightest Day

Till he was all shining gold,
And oh,
He was lovely to behold!
But in his hands held he a bow

Aimed at me who created
Him. And I said,
‘Wouldst murder me
Who am thy Fountainhead! '

Then spoke he the man of gold:
‘I will not
Murder thee! I do but
Measure thee. Hold

Thy peace.' And this I did.
But I was curious
Of this so regal head.
‘Give thy name! '—‘Sir! Genius.'"

(Published in Have Come Am Here 1942)

Jose Garcia Villa Comments

Lea Ligaya 18 February 2018

Is Jose La Villa Tierra and Jose Garcia Villa the same?

9 11 Reply
wendy 20 January 2018

would you please gave me an example of poem about qualities of good leader using methaphor

9 2 Reply
maria zyra 23 October 2022

can anyone provide me his famed man songs?

0 0 Reply
Adrian Antique 19 April 2022

For me, one of the Filipino Greats in English literature... words woven into poetry.

1 0 Reply
HICBAN 18 October 2020


1 30 Reply
Jarievel 12 June 2020

Would you please gave me an example of In my desire to be nude by using stressed syllable

3 0 Reply
Jesaiah 14 November 2018

May i know the story behind jose garcia villa's footnote to youth? ? ?

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