God Said, I Made A Man Poem by Jose Garcia Villa

God Said, I Made A Man

God said, "I made a man
Out of clay—
But so bright he, he spun
Himself to brightest Day

Till he was all shining gold,
And oh,
He was lovely to behold!
But in his hands held he a bow

Aimed at me who created
Him. And I said,
‘Wouldst murder me
Who am thy Fountainhead! '

Then spoke he the man of gold:
‘I will not
Murder thee! I do but
Measure thee. Hold

Thy peace.' And this I did.
But I was curious
Of this so regal head.
‘Give thy name! '—‘Sir! Genius.'"

(Published in Have Come Am Here 1942)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: genius
Naida Nepascua Supnet 19 September 2019

God made a man, but man is so proud that instead of loving God back, he became boastful.

11 8 Reply
Rachel Gasmen 22 January 2020

The poem shows man's ingratitude to his creator - the GOD who made all things in the past, in the present, and even in future

11 7 Reply
elance 19 January 2020

is the relationship of the past and present relevant in the text?

7 5 Reply
Renzie Salimbot 25 January 2019

The was so beautiful

5 5 Reply
rap2x 20 January 2020

Is the relationship of the past and present relevant in the tex

5 4 Reply
mnbv 08 December 2021

what could the man's bow symbolize in real life? what 'weapon' or hurtful things do we aim at God?

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super idol 21 November 2021

hahaha super idol di xiao rong do mi ni de tien

0 9 Reply
Rosalinda adel 06 January 2021

Who is the original voice actor of this poem?

2 0 Reply
Gersan Lizardo 06 January 2021

Beautiful poem

2 1 Reply
Prince Kenneth 20 November 2020

What is the best poem in the para graph

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