Rage! Rage! This angst, oozing from yawning deep,
Render to numbness, silent cornered weep,
Iniquitous decrees, when lulled to sleep,
Seduced by dybbuks, only vice to reap,

Your intricacies, fearfully and wonderfully wrought so well,
Sweet child, sweet daughter, greatly priced pearl,
You're a darling, a sweetheart, my dearest ‘Mabel',
Like your name, prayer born - meaning ‘Beautiful Girl'.

Unto whom should our taxes be paid honestly?
To the Son of Man this was asked slyly,
'On this coin whose image do you see? '
Answered He, to the crowd and the Pharisees.

Nine moons buoyant in your matrix,
Silently alive in dark mystery,
Unfathomable, unsurpassed -
And so close to that heart -

All bark and no bite,
Better is the termite,
For when solid reality,
Invades your psyche,

Yesterday I made a promise,
That I knew I would break'
On a grandstand, I blew a kiss'
So that my life I'd make'

Do annals violate incarnate divinity?
Justifying a man's inner repentance,
Wisdom cannot cry from lips of insincerity,
Yet what a sham, becomes this penance,


In health and not sickness,
In wholeness and not brokenness,
Today I wed you, beloved woman.
And when your narrow waist -

Lord in my deep-seated misgiving,
My soul keeps on meandering,
Like leaking, sewage turned stream,
On knees, that prays not, but dream.

Oh my soul,
Why do you always go to pluck that fruit?
Why do you always judge on good and evil?
Why do you always appeal to the intellect?

What if...
I have learned...
How to…
‘not lie' without telling the truth,



Rage! Rage! This angst, oozing from yawning deep,
Render to numbness, silent cornered weep,
Iniquitous decrees, when lulled to sleep,
Seduced by dybbuks, only vice to reap,
At impasse is reason in chaotic sneap,
Battle! Battle! Wrought courage to muster,
Nerves, sinews and pulse to not surrender,
Unto Death's embrace, believe, relive valour,
Cease the recreants who plunder honour,
Justitia unfold, raise sword, discard scales,
They excorcise a conjuring of wrongs -
Your wimp giants with their death-laden stales,
Who snatch, stuff, snuff, the hapless teeming throngs.

Bitter! Bitter! This death that lives in me,
Caged in dreaded mirrors, life dies in me,
‘Creep' - deep in my grey with seductive glee,
That heaven-flash, garden-lie, cursed harmony,
Sexed this soul, fervent red and sensory,
That ransom rush of crimson redemption,
Flesh sunk spirits misrender the Passion,
To quell the knell of that culmination,
Scrolls, religiosity and rendition,
For power, for heat, in false absolution,
And this death-row of bliss to deathless role,
Into eternal licking tongues since old,
All and I heedless to that Sword and scold,
Then brazen doors to pleas of curse served soul




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