Kail Montoya

Kail Montoya Poems

Making love under a moonlit sky,
Taking it slow, in measured strides,
Neither wanting the to cry,
When the morning comes,

My sight is lost,
I know not where,
Darkness has fallen,
And I do not care,

I saw the moon tonight,
I saw the moon last night,
I try to see it every night,
Sometimes I don't,

Forgivith me Love,
Don't forgiveth me not,
For all the foul deeds I have done,
In the wars I have fought,

Please help me, mister,
Can you not see,
All these demons chasing me,
What they'll do, I don't know,

We've all got dirty, dark secrets,
Some with less than others,
Very few with none at all,
When we hear another's,

The Best Poem Of Kail Montoya

Making Love

Making love under a moonlit sky,
Taking it slow, in measured strides,
Neither wanting the to cry,
When the morning comes,
And we have to say goodbye,
We lie here, side by side,
Kissing gently to pass the time,
Our bodies quivering with desire,
Waiting in neutral,
Till we slip into drive.

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