Keegan Coutriers Poems

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My Crimson Fate

How come these nights be as it is?
Who consented to loves cruel allure?
Although the ruins lay bare, a minute has been too soon,
For seconds are fixed and thoughts endless seem,

The Route

In the days of my adolescence,
Often had I thought about the years that follow,
For those days were filled with hopes and dreams,
And as I stand here, hardly passed the bloom of youth,

A Confounding Love

Mine eyes hath never bore such comeliness,
But thy beauty reflects loves most wicked sin,
That in thine own splendor,
A folly plagues a fickle view,

Tolerances Of Mere Life

Veracities of existence appeal not to I but to the ill,
Appeasingly they endeavor to render their will,
They choose to subsist amongst a gradual decay,
Of countenance’s despicably amid a great folly this day,

Who Shall Command This Aged Ship

Who shall command this aged ship?
Where wallowing and wontedness bellow remorseful tear,
That now, whence upon poignant acts being exhibited,
A quandary of mindless entreaty poised entranced he,

I Shall Not Fold

O’ Fulfillment do come to be true,
For a hope that weeps expectations of sought,
Tolerances unduly testing the very nature of fateful subdue,
Where grievances of recollection stain my very thought,

An Account Of Failure

O’Dreary affliction of life, to sorrow we thus entreat
For kindness to be bestow’d upon this weaken’d vessel,
Honor, pride and contentment seeketh I of esteem’d worth,
So labors the common soul for a merit that bequeaths his value,

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