Keli Mims Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Drives Me Crazy

Your eyes,
They draw me in,
Your lips,
Makes me want to kiss you,

Daddy's Boots

[7/5/10- for my dad who died 6 months ago that date. My dad always wore these brown work boots.]

Daddy's boots left by the back door,
The sight of them makes my heart sore.

Wisper Your Secrets

Whisper your secrets into my skin,
Come out clean, I'll hold your sin.
Whisper your secrets to my lone heart,
Before our sin's poison gets a head start.

Je T'Amie Mon Cherie

The waves crash onto the sandy beach,
The sun dries water off our skin like a leach.
The warm sand covers our wet feet,
We dance around to the background beat.

Teenage Love

[Written July 8th 2010]

What is teenage love,
And is it ever enough?

As She Stood There

(originally written: Auguat 19th 2011)

As she stood there with an upturned face,
A man behind her held her waist.

I'M The

[Written July 3rd]

I'm the green of the dancing trees,
I'm the wind blowing the billowing weeds.

First Real Boyfriend

Lips locked tight I'm not one to kiss and tell,
All those moments always went so well.
The sweet breeze blowing my hair,
blowing away any worry or any care.


[Written September 18th 2010]

The music in the background,
Fades as we dance around.

Mistakes Of Past

Mistakes of past,
fade but always last,
of my soul I sold,
so the story's told,

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