Kishore Asthana

Kishore Asthana Poems

As day turns into night
and day once more
As flower becomes seed
and then a bloom

The look in your eyes, often tries
And succeeds in showing
you care
The old loved smile, familiar now

That is when
In the inner dark
My being calmed
My mind drenched

I sometimes sit
In the corners of your mind
And look out at the world
Through your eyes

For every time you did something
Just because I wanted to do so
For every time you said yes
When you really wanted to say no


Remove this veil of pretend 'tween us

This rain is not that rain
The falling leaves are different too
This cool breeze braces no more
This dawn is another dawn, nothing new

Though, indeed, it is most inviting
O Rumi, I seek not happiness thine
For I am too human and at this time
I have no wish to become divine

Come my love,
Lets travel some more
On this journey called life
Together as one,

They are burying
Some officers
Who died in the coup that failed
Some days back

It is neither here not there
But there was a time I had a lot of hair
As it passed, the time I mean
Everywhere my hair was seen

Seize the day, for yesterdays are gone
And tomorrows are yet to be
Seize the day, for you are here
Grasp the treasure that you see

When I think of death to come
I see a cheerful, flower filled door
Swinging open - loving smiles
I want rush in there once more

In the no-time between here and there
Lies my brother alive and not quite so
While we watch through glass panels
who he was

In the windows of my mind
Ideas stand and look out
Wondering if they were to jump
Would they fly?

A slow burn when ignites
The unseeing blink their eyes
And stirring blast, travels fast
From heart to heart

These were the windows
from which flowers peeped
And smiling faces could be seen
These were the windows of the friendly wave

When you reach the Beloved’s door
And you want to enter,
Don’t knock or call
For I have been told,

I scratch my heads
And staples fall
Dislodging myriad memos
In a confused jumble

Crabs in my brain
Walking sideways
Left-right, left-right
They walk, step by step

The Best Poem Of Kishore Asthana

Dear Love

As day turns into night
and day once more
As flower becomes seed
and then a bloom
Let us live on again and again
Sharing our joys, lifting our gloom
Side by side
Life after life

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