Kostas Lagos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Herald - Ο Αγγελιοφόρος

The seagulls were flying

silently over the town

Undoubtedly - Αναμφίβολα

Undoubtedly, life can be defined as a series of misfortunes with small breaks of bad luck!

Hide And Seek - Κρυφτό

Break my hand

Break my leg

My End-Τέλος Μου

Like a vulture

driven by

Gravity And Orbits - Βαρύτητα Και Τροχιές

If even the planets and the stars

are bounded by

I'll Get On The Boat-Θα Μπω Στη Βάρκα

I'll get on the boat

on my own free will boatman

The Lonely Chapel - Ξωκκλήσι Μόνο

The lonely chapel

is bathed under the starlight

Theology - Θεολογία

Indeed, a pair of beautiful eyes can make your day brighter even if they are not shedding tears out of love for you.The hawk is enchanting when it flies high not when you close it in a cage. The pearl has the same value both in an oyster and on a jewel. The edelweiss is not less wonderful if it's left on a mountaintop of the Alps. You see my friend beauty and ownership don't always coincide. So, remain silent and look. Write poetry, philosophy, music. Most certainly write about theology. Because there isn't a place on Earth where God's face can be seen more clear than her eyes and her smile.

The Butterfly - Η Πεταλούδα


the butterfly

All Alone - Ολομόναχος

Despite the people

under the autumn starlight

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