Laura Anne

Laura Anne Poems

I miss the way you look at me
with love in your soft eyes.
I love the way you touch me
and hold me when I cry.

Loving a sailor is a high price to pay
Loving him is truly hard when he’s away
It’s being alone with nothing to hold
It’s being young, but feeling old

You were always there for me, even when you knew I was doing wrong
I just want to say I’m sorry and thank you.

I’m sorry for all those late nights when you stayed up late worrying about me.

You are my son, a piece of me, and that will never alter,
No matter what you do in life my love will never falter.
As I held you my little one and I looked into your eyes,
I knew, life from now on would be full of surprises.

I'm sitting here staring at the stars, thinking of you!
I feel so alone when you're not around
I close my eyes and you're here with me
I can see your face, smell your cologne, taste your sweet kiss

If I could look into the future and see what it holds for both you and me
I know it wouldn't be a fantasy world of no worries or problems,
we know that would be a lie
Because life without obstacles, would make everything simple and plain

My Grandma, you are my inspiration, my key to success.
What you say and do comes straight from your heart.
My Grandma’s words of wisdom and wit
Put your faith in the Lord, come what may

When I look back
I see anger and broken hearts
Then I fell in love
And that's when my life starts

I still have dreams of us;
I hope they're not in vein.
My journey down memory lane
makes this pain hard to contain.

My love for you is like a rose
it desires the summer rain
and petals large enough to conceal
each thorn that causes pain

I hate you when you lie.
I hate you because you make me cry
I hate you even more because sometimes it seems like you don't even try

You draw lines that cannot be crossed
We are outsiders; dare not let us in…
What are you afraid of, what’s the secret that can’t be known?
Are you afraid that your perfect image will be shattered?

I thought of you with love today
But that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday
And days before that too

Every day I grow more anxious
Of giving my heart away
Scared of what love brings
Too nervous to hear the words you’ll say

A dad is a person who is loving and kind
And often he knows what you have on your mind
He's someone who listens, advises and supports
A dad can be one of your best friends

No, not now…
Not yet, please.
Shaking my head….
Refusing, I don't want to wake up

O, winds of conflict
blow my father not into anxious harbors

O, tides of sadness

The perfect man loves me for me and not just one tiny part.
The perfect man isn't afraid to tell me the truth.
The perfect man is kind, sweet, funny, and loving.
The perfect man can make me crumble with one glance.

I'm sitting here staring at the stars, thinking of you!
I feel so alone when you're not around
I close my eyes and you're here with me
I can see your face, smell your cologne, taste your sweet kiss

It is Love that gives me motivation
to learn and change and grow.
It is Love that guides me on this path
and helps me choose each turn and bend.

Laura Anne Biography

My name is Laura. I am a single mom to the two most amazing children. They are the loves of my life. I only hope I inspire them as much as they inspire me. I am truly blessed. I am an accountant by trade, but I have always loved to write. Through the tough times I have encountered writing seems to be a great release. I hope you enjoy reading my works. Peace and Love Laura)

The Best Poem Of Laura Anne

I Miss You, I Love You

I miss the way you look at me
with love in your soft eyes.
I love the way you touch me
and hold me when I cry.

I miss the way you look at me
and the way you kiss my hair.
I love the way you love me
And your look that says you care.

I miss the way you touch my hand
and suddenly I feel
like all the love in the world is next to me
and I think 'Someone this wonderful can't be real'.

I miss the way you kiss me
just right out of the blue.
I love the way you make me think,
'Is this too good to be true? ‘

I miss you so much it hurts sometimes.
My heart just aches for you.
For your touch, your warmth, your love.
Your promise to be with me through and through.

I miss you more than you can possibly imagine.
In your whole lifetime of dreams.
I love you so much, my heart hurts sometimes.
So much I want to scream.

I miss the way you hug me
the way I fit perfectly in your arms.
I love the way you call me your girl,
and enchant me with your charm.

I miss the way you fit around me,
your soul, your arms, your heart.
I love the way I always loved you.
Right from the very start.

Laura Anne Comments

Rebecca Hazelton 09 June 2021

I am surprised to find this poem on the internet. I thought my father wrote 'Loving a Sailor' during WWII as he was on a ship in the Pacific. I would truly like to know where this poem originated. Please help with this

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Donna Cunio 16 July 2018

As the wife of a merchant marine for 33 years this is how I felt when we first were married... but for what this profession has provided the world for generations with honor and respect I understood the why and I further understood the difference between want and need... merchant mariners love strong, independent women they do not have worry about! God Bless you!

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