Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Track And Field

I believe there has been a misunderstanding.
No one yet has been talking about taking your wealth...
And giving that to someone else.
Those are fear tactics over used!

Lady Bug

You came,
When the trees began their budding.
You came,
With the Spring to start your buzzing.

Ignorance Is Bliss

Why should I lower my expectations,
To accomodate someone else's incompetence?
Why should I accept mediocrity...
Because that's the highest the bar has been risen.

(the) Children Of Today

They're not here to revisit,
The gaslamp.
They're not living to revisit,
Those cobblestone roads.

Walk In The Light

We must fight...
With a resistance,
Against the darkness.

Get To Stepping And Adventure Your Life

Travel on!
My brothers.
Travel on...
My sisters, fathers, mothers.

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas,
I plant thy rods.
To enable your journey...
With tentacles to grab tight.

Hoping To Get A Quick Fix Of 'What Ifs'

Under the shadow of those shallow,
They follow.
Loyal and addicted.
A sickness they have lived with.

Strength In Leadership

Strength in leadership,
And commitment to rhetoric...
As the dollar value slips.
Leaving harder times to come and exist!

Some Camels Have Two Humps And Others One

Why do some camels have two humps,
And others one?

'That's a good question!

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