Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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What Is The 'Orthodox' Difference

There is too much hypocrisy expressed,
In religion.
Too much division in it too...
For it to go unobserved.

One Never Knows

One never knows,
What 'truths' are left standing.
When so much depends,
Upon lies...

Strongly Suggested And Advisable

If anyone wants to be taken seriously,
Investing first in gaining crediblity...
Is strongly suggested and advisable.
Since adopting a fast track way,

Quicksand Under Your Feet Sinks

It is quite wonderful,
You would want the beliefs you keep...
To be correct.
I think it to be commendable.

Busy Bodies

If you happen to live in a place,
That is shallowed...
And nourishes the antics of busy bodies.
Feed their activities.

Bugging Out

Can you believe the speed by which people seem,
To be losing their minds today?
And the acceptance of it?
Can you believe this?

Know Your Feelings

Know your feelings.
Sit and visit with them.
Become familiar.

All Of It Is Educational

If education had been a priority,
Its connection to greatness...
Would not have been an elective,
For the selective chosen few to possess.

What's The Need To Save For A Rainy Day?

What's the need to save for a rainy day?
Or keep good dishes to look at,
And never use.
Just to look at...

Earth Is...

You've been riding on the back of a flying horse.
And I'll explain that the best way that I can.

You've been riding on the back of a flying horse.

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