Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Normally Found By Archaeologists

Even dinosaurs have come to exhaust their purpose.
Only those with kept patience,
Will witness them again extinguished.

Released From Fantasies

People can no longer escape,
From faked and false accusations made...
They had grown accustomed to make and place,
A blame on others for their own decisions...

The Effectiveness Of It

Let the truth be told to be unfold.

'Why? '

The Lives We Get To Live

Grieving to mourn,
Has its own limitations.
And those who have done it,
May find it difficult to forgive.

The Importance Connected To Truth

Liars who have found this easy to do,
Have yet to experience...
What it means to be deceived,
By those who play games with honesty.

Awaiting With Anticipation

Those awaiting with anticipation,
The ending of their man-made creations...
With solicited predictions,
They insist will come to afflict!

When Angels Come

I didn't believe in angels,
Until one came to appear to me.
If I had not seen before my eyes...
To believe.

Those Shiny And Bright Blinging 'Things'

'Long ago I divorced myself,
From the importance.'

The importance?
The importance of what?

Facts Remembered

No longer do I participate,
In prolonged conversations...
Involving events that had taken place.

Especially when people refuse to trace,

It Isn'T Easy To Be Set Free Completely

The undaunted ones continue to sing,
Knowing that a sitting in a pity pit...
Only maximizes a suffering,
Allowed when doing this.

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