Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Your Accomodating Spirit

There is something about being taken for granted,
That never dawns on the minds of those...
Who perceive themselves as accomodating,
The people they use by providing them a convenience...

A Depiction Of Their Innocence

People who describe themselves,
As repeatedly victimized...
Are always on the scene,
Providing the same evidence...

No More Will I Hear Those Woes You Sow

When I leave you...
Not a step will I take to make going backward,
With a feeling of defeat.
To look down on the streets.

You Know How We Like Horses?

What's the matter, son?
Someone's called you names again at school?

'It's my Biology teacher.

Praying That It Stays

There is nothing like witnessing to experience,
A people living in an environment who have been convinced...
Ignorance and subservience is theirs to defend.
With an advocating of it that will not see an end.

Should This Make A Difference

Should it make a difference,
To the one accustomed to looking up...
As to who holds their head down?
To stop with a noticing of it...

Who's Better Than The One Who's Done It

Who's best to deliver and with an expected...

'Who's better than the one who has already done it? '

Who's best to deliver the better effect,

Life Has Downs And Then There's Ups

Whatever that you do,
Do it to yourself and no one else.
If you are ever feeling despondant...
And there is no one to correspond this with,

That Genuine Factor

Many lack that genuine factor.
And the ones who overcompensate,
With a masquerading...
Seem suspiciously to be protecting,

I Can Boot A Droop

I can move from a mood that I've been brooding.
But I don't know why,
I can't give it up!

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