Lebogang Mashile Poems

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Tomorrow's Daughters

I want to write a poem
About pretty black girls
Who don't relax and lie their dreams away
Voices that curl

You and I

You and I
We are the keepers of dreams
We mould them into light beams
And weave them into life's seams


I see the wisdom of eternities
In ample thighs
Belying their presence as adornments
To the temples of my sisters

Tell your story

After they've fed off of your memories
Erased dreams from your eyes
Broken the seams of sanity

I dance to know who I am

"I dance to know who I am
When I am in motion
I move to find the rhythm
That permeates this commotion

Iniside Outsider

Home is a foreign land
That hurls the might of its confusion around the world
Strangers believe they know my bruises
The smallness of boxes they call eyes

Every child, my child

Every child, my child is wrapped in a ribbon of rhythm
Every child, my child is wrapped in a ribbon of rhythm
Every child, my child is wrapped in a ribbon of rhythm,

Love is Elastic

When I am closed
Used up
You are stretched at your fullest width

I knew a girl once

I knew a girl once who lived in a house made of skin
With the spine of time stretched through it
The slightest wind would make it spin

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