Lia Stroud

Lia Stroud Poems

Do you see the girl in the background,
The one in the corner, with her hair in her face,
No you do not for she is invisable to your eyes,
You don't see the forgoten one,

She sits alone with her tears at night no one hears her cries,
She sits alone in darkness without a fright,
As the smell of blood stings her nose,
But she knows that no one is there to even care,

Do you see her,
wearing all black,
her hair over one eye,
makes you think,

I'm here with who mighit be my sister
Nine months together really brought us together
Today we say goodbye
Only for a short while

mommy, I can't wait to see your face,
mommy, I can't wait to say your name,
mommy, who are those men,
mommy, tell them to stop they're hurting me,

The Best Poem Of Lia Stroud


Do you see the girl in the background,
The one in the corner, with her hair in her face,
No you do not for she is invisable to your eyes,
You don't see the forgoten one,
But the forgoten ones see you,
And I see you but you don't see me,
Do you know why,
Because I am the girl in the corner,
The girl you have pushed away from your world,
I am forgoten

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